
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers"

 This morning's devotional contained ideas that resonate with my current professional life in disturbing ways.  The short reading referred to the danger of gifts that come with strings attached, and how churches and religious organizations should resist the temptation of accepting contributions that require them to blur, relegate or even to completely ignore and erase the Christian mission and purpose which are their very reason for existence.  I couldn't agree more with this warning.  I've seen it happening with my own eyes...but...what truly grabbed me was the fact that the writer of the devotional reading linked this concept with 2 Corinthians 6: 14:

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Maybe it's just me, but this is the first time I see this verse referenced in a context that is not regarding marriage and personal relationships.  And that intrigued me to no end.  The more I've been thinking about it, the more I'm realizing that, indeed, this command is not just valid in romantic and intimate partnerships.  This realization has also become a true slap on the face to me because I am unequally yoked together with unbelievers professionally...

I read a few commentaries on the subject and, even though they mostly explain this verse also within the context of marriage, it is clear to me that it extends beyond into any venture in which believers join with unbelievers...and the result is always the same: the union produces a snare and much distress.  And, I sure can attest to that.  I feel the powerful snare of my job wrapped around my neck, chocking me...because of my dependence on it, and the thought is revolting.


I kept reading more commentaries, and many coincided on the notion of the inevitability of co-habitation.  This means basically that, even though we cannot avoid seeing, hearing and being among unbelievers, as we all inhabit this world, the key is to stay alert and not to choose to be intimate with them...which in contexts outside of personal relationships may mean to avoid joining in their causes, efforts and aims.  In other words, we must stay away "from all conformity to the corruptions of this present evil world." (Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary)

The way I see it, this is all related to what Jesus prayed about right before He was arrested, according to John 17: 14-15, where He prayed for His disciples:

14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. 15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.

We cannot avoid being in the world...but we must remember we are not of the world any more than Jesus is from the world.  His prayer is not to take us out of the world, but for protection while we journey in this world of evil.  That's why Paul tells us in Romans 12: 2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Like a woman married to an unbeliever, and not having the resources and strength to leave him...I know I am not strong enough to refuse the yoke when my sustenance depends on it.  However, I trust that the Holy Spirit will empower me when the moment comes.  Maybe this meditation is part of the preparation...I don't know...but, my prayer is that I can obey and not to conform to the patterns of this world, and of my workplace...not to join in the efforts and aims of my employer ... that I will be able to discern where to draw the line, and that when the line is right in front of me, Christ gives me the strength to not cross I may be found within the ranks of the Lord when the trumpet calls.  In the Precious Name of Jesus, Our Refuge, Provider, Source of Power and Strength.  Amen!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

How Can it Be?

This morning, chatting over texts with my sister who lives in Panama, both of us spent many paragraphs lamenting the many regrets we have had in our journey through motherhood. Remembering our missed opportunities and many mistakes over the years made us feel inadequate and undeserving. After our pity party the Holy Spirit led us to conclude that God knows what He is doing always. He knew what He was doing when He assigned us to be the mothers of our boys. He knows who we are...He knows our many flaws...He knew we would make all the mistakes we have made and will continue to make...and even so...He commissioned us to be the mothers of these young men we call our sons. I don't understand it...but often, we don't have to...we just trust He is the Divine Architect and that His plans are perfect.

Thinking about our many regrets brought me to Zephaniah 3: 17...a verse I don't read as often as I should...a verse that confuses me and leaves me dumbfounded...a verse that is such a gift to the soul.

The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3: 17

What glorious words! Who am I that the God of Gods and King of Kings...the Ruler of All would delight in me to the point of no longer rebuking me, but rejoicing with singing over me...what a marvelous thought.  How could it be?  How can it be that He would delight over me with a wretched like me...How can it be that He would think of me...that He would die for me...

That is the Mystery of Easter.  That is the Gift of the Cross.  That is the Wonder of Grace.

There's no explanation.  We are completely undeserving of such Love.  This is when we realize it is not about us, who we are or what we have done.  It is all about Him, who He is and what He has done and continues to do.  It is about His Nature not ours.  It is for His glory not our own.  It is so we would have no doubt Who the King really is.  It is so we lift Him up as we fade in the background.

I don't think my mothering will improve much in the time I have left to be a Mom on this earth...I know I will continue to make mistakes and do things I regret.  I know I will still feel inadequate.  But, I hope I remember, I am loved beyond measure no matter what.  I pray I remain tuned into the frequency of Our Lord so I can hear Him singing over me.  What a wonderful thought that is.  He is Mighty to Save.  He is with us.  He rejoices in us.  May the Holy Spirit never let us forget this truth.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!

Monday, March 14, 2022


This past weekend I made "Sancocho," a traditional soup that people in Panama make when they have big family gatherings and any type of celebration, to share with whoever shows up for a meal.  It's not a fancy dish.  It is the soup of the people.  Rosa makes me that soup every time I visit her at her home in Panama.  It's filled with goodness, love and a side of white rice.  Nothing says home to me like a bowl of "Sancocho."  There's two versions, chicken or beef "sancocho."  My favorite is beef: "Sancocho de Res," and that's the one I made this weekend to celebrate spring break!  Every spoonful transports me to a time when life was simpler and carefree.  I didn't have much, but I was surrounded by the warmth of my people. "Sancocho" is always made in a big pot...the largest one you can find precisely because it is meant for sharing...because it's meant to build community...even if in a most humble way.

Today, as I ponder the scary things that are happening in the world, in our cities, towns, neighborhoods and families, I long for the days of simplicity...when a bowl of soup and a little bit of rice was all we needed to have a good time.  Making this soup brough up a deep-seated melancholy for a life without rush and ambition...making this soup also made me think of the story of "Stone Soup."

I remember the first time I heard of the "Stone Soup" was at the New Castle Public Library's summer story hour.  We loved to go to the library in the summer for the summer reading program when the boys were little.  Even Dylan, who is not...a reader...every time we drive by the New Castle Public Library mentions it and spends some time reminiscing...

This morning, I think of the moral of this story, and of the importance of its lesson: sharing what little we have for the benefit of all.  It's the lesson of the feeding of the 5,'s the lesson of not hanging on so tightly to what we have because in letting opening our hands and releasing the grip, we are filled up and renewed.  If the boy in the story of the feeding of the 5,000 hadn't showed up, Jesus would have still been able to feed the crowd, no much greater a lesson it is for us knowing that the selfless action of a young man led to such an amazing display of the power of solidarity and mercy. (John 6: 1-15)

Whether it is a bowl of Panamanian "Sancocho" with white rice, or "stone soup," or a feast of bread and fish enough to feed a town...I pray that the current instability of the world and around us would moves Christians to look inside and take the steps the Lord is calling us to take, in our own unique ways, for the benefit of all.  In Christ's Precious Name.  Amen!

Friday, March 4, 2022

"Refuse to Worry!"

 My devotional reading this morning started with these words:  "Refuse to worry!"

Mercy, I needed to hear that.  I needed someone telling me that in a forceful way today.  I am so grateful that I read that devotional early in the day because the thought came to me several times throughout in different contexts.  

"In this world there will always be something enticing you to worry.  That is the nature of a fallen, fractured planet:  things are not as they should be." (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young) I am a testimony of how worry does have the ability to debilitate one's soul in the blink of an eye.  Worry about work...worry about health...worry about relationships...worry about loved ones...worry about inadequacies...worry about insecurities...worry about loss and loneliness...worry about worry...

Lord, forgive me for jumping to panic mode so quickly.  Why can't I just remain calm?

Breathe in...and exhale...

The antidote against worry? Prayer...a prayer-rich response to life's uncertainties is the way to combat the attacks of the enemy.  Like my devotional says:  "awareness of My Presence fills your mind with Light and Peace, leaving no room for fear.  This awareness lifts you up above your circumstances, enabling you to see problems from My perspective.  Live close to Me! together we can keep the wolves of worry at bay."  

Awareness of Jesus' presence in me...always...that's what I need.

This is the air that I breathe in: Jesus' presence.  I exhale the toxicity of a life apart from my source of strength, power and my refuge.  

Lord, please help me and everyone who is attacked by the arrows of worry, to remain under Your wings and inside of Your Sanctuary.  May we remember, during the furious hits of the enemy, that Your victory is already ours, and that we have nothing to fear.  You already fought our battles and You have won.  I love You, Jesus.  Thank You for Your Presence in me.  In Your Precious Name.  Amen!