
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

How Can it Be?

This morning, chatting over texts with my sister who lives in Panama, both of us spent many paragraphs lamenting the many regrets we have had in our journey through motherhood. Remembering our missed opportunities and many mistakes over the years made us feel inadequate and undeserving. After our pity party the Holy Spirit led us to conclude that God knows what He is doing always. He knew what He was doing when He assigned us to be the mothers of our boys. He knows who we are...He knows our many flaws...He knew we would make all the mistakes we have made and will continue to make...and even so...He commissioned us to be the mothers of these young men we call our sons. I don't understand it...but often, we don't have to...we just trust He is the Divine Architect and that His plans are perfect.

Thinking about our many regrets brought me to Zephaniah 3: 17...a verse I don't read as often as I should...a verse that confuses me and leaves me dumbfounded...a verse that is such a gift to the soul.

The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3: 17

What glorious words! Who am I that the God of Gods and King of Kings...the Ruler of All would delight in me to the point of no longer rebuking me, but rejoicing with singing over me...what a marvelous thought.  How could it be?  How can it be that He would delight over me with a wretched like me...How can it be that He would think of me...that He would die for me...

That is the Mystery of Easter.  That is the Gift of the Cross.  That is the Wonder of Grace.

There's no explanation.  We are completely undeserving of such Love.  This is when we realize it is not about us, who we are or what we have done.  It is all about Him, who He is and what He has done and continues to do.  It is about His Nature not ours.  It is for His glory not our own.  It is so we would have no doubt Who the King really is.  It is so we lift Him up as we fade in the background.

I don't think my mothering will improve much in the time I have left to be a Mom on this earth...I know I will continue to make mistakes and do things I regret.  I know I will still feel inadequate.  But, I hope I remember, I am loved beyond measure no matter what.  I pray I remain tuned into the frequency of Our Lord so I can hear Him singing over me.  What a wonderful thought that is.  He is Mighty to Save.  He is with us.  He rejoices in us.  May the Holy Spirit never let us forget this truth.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!

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