
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Joy and Thanksgiving for the Power of His Presence

 Does it seem strange to you to thank God for your problems? It sure sounds strange to me. I mean, really...why would I want to be thankful for having issues. That just doesn't make any sense.

I've thought about this for a while, and at first, I was like, maybe it is all about being obedient. I remember having done things just out of pure obedience, if only to demonstrate I can be a dutiful waking up early on Sunday morning to drive 45 minutes to Church in the winter, after a late Saturday night...or helping out in Kid Zone, the after school program at Church back in the early 21st Century. That was just not my thing. I did it out of loyalty as an act of obedience.  For some reason, I don't think that's the point, though.  I believe the call to offering thanksgiving while immersed in a difficult situation goes beyond an act of obedience. I believe it is a call to trust and to rejoice.

Like the Apostle Paul says in one of my favorite verses in all Scripture:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4: 6

These words are so profound and the command is so challenging that it can only be accomplished by the supernatural empowering of the Holy Spirit. There is NO WAY I can do anything without Him who gives me strength...especially stopping from being anxious and offering thanksgiving in every situation, including the hard ones. That is just so NOT me. My gut reaction to difficulties is to fret, fear, frazzle, flee, frown, and forget...

It is only because Jesus lives in me that I could begin to form a thought about being thankful in every situation. Of course, I can be thankful when things are going right the way I want them. I have no problem doing that. I make sure the first thing I do is give Praise and Thanks to the Lord when events unfold in accordance to my plans. But the call is to do the same in "every situation," good and bad. And when things go bad, only the same force that raised Jesus from the dead is the one that can touch my heart and change it from stone to flesh.

And you know what? It is precisely that realization...the realization that Jesus inhabits my soul, giving me strength and directing my paths...what fills my heart with joy...the joy we are supposed to experience when we bring our thanksgiving to the Almighty in every situation.  It is knowing that He is with us what helps us to rejoice even at life's worst moments. 

Therefore, I want to remember to say every time I face a less than ideal situation, that I am supposed to pray and offer thanksgiving for yet another chance to be able to trust His power, rely on His strength and see Him in action. I need to remember in the challenging days, to give thanks for more opportunities to be thankful that the Holy Spirit has made a home in my soul.

May we be able to rejoice in the Lord, again and again, by the power of His Presence in us. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen!

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