
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Me on His Mind

 I don't know if you may struggle with this, but I often feel inadequate, unworthy and unlovable.  I catch myself wondering why would anyone ever care for a wretch like me.  Then, God, in His infinite love sends me a message to remind me of His Grace.  It happened this morning...

God's love note to me came in the form of a song by Christian singer-songwriter, Matthew West.  The song is called Me on Your Mind.  This jewel of song was released earlier this year, but I only heard it for the first time today while driving to get a haircut early in the a.m. before going to work.  The song blew me away.  I praised God He inspired Mathew West to write it because I feel everyone needs to hear it...especially in those moments when one finds it hard to believe we could be loved.

We read the Bible.  We pray.  We hear sermons.  We know what Our Lord has done, who He is and how much He loves we really believe it?  Do we honestly believe that we matter? Do we accept the idea that we matter enough for anyone to care, let alone God Himself?

I admit I struggle with that sometimes.  I don't know if it is my Catholic upbringing that tends to emphasize our deeds over God's grace...but the enemy pushes me to think of myself as a sinner beyond redemption...he pushes the lie and I fall for it when I'm at my weakest:  you're a horrible person.  You're a bad Mother.  You're a terrible wife.  You call yourself a teacher?  You stink!  You have no skills or accomplishments that make you deserving of a promotion or anything good.  You can't lead anyone. You have a hardened heart and a corrupted soul.  You suck at everything!  You have no compassion.  You're mean and temperamental.  You have no self-control.  Nothing good is in you...on and on the enemy goes on and on...seeking to devour me.

The blessing is that no matter what the devil does...Jesus has already triumphed over it all.  And in His Power and Love, He comes crashing through walls, destroying mountains, walking over oceans, like a storm breaking through the skies to rescue me...not because of who I am, or because of who I am not, or because of what I've done or not done...but because I belong to Him...and He has already paid the price for my sin, and I am free, no matter what the enemy says.  I am free!

Thank you, Lord for keeping me on Your mind.  I love You, and I Praise You with all that I've got.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!

Here's the song:

Me on Your Mind

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