
Monday, July 18, 2022

He Is Mighty to Save!

Do not hide your face from me, 
 do not turn your servant away in anger;
you have been my helper.
Do not reject me or forsake me,
God my Savior. Psalm 27: 9

Teenagers are experts at being sassy.  The word sassy could have an endearing connotation, however...and in my opinion, some of the adolescents that I've come in contact my house...without going into much details as to whom I am talking about...are beyond the implied cuteness of "sassy," and border the territory where "insolent" and "impertinent" reside.  Needless to say, when the level of rudeness and lack of respect rises in my beloved teen...the last thing I want is to be in his presence.  I know it's harsh, but, I have been known to say phrases like: "get out of my face!!" (double or triple exclamation mark) every so often...once in a while...yeah...bad Mom-move...

At any rate, in those moments of unacceptable behavior, I don't want to be in the presence of my child, lest I do something I will regret using whatever I may have in my hand at the moment, as a projectile aimed to his (THICK) head!! down.

I'm OK, now...I'm OK...and so is case you were wondering!

My point is, as parents, sometimes we need time to cool off after our kids have done something that seems incorrigible and completely out of line.  We need time away.  I think parents invented "time-out" not just for the kids but for ourselves as well.  It comes a time when we all need "time-out" from each other in order to regroup and patch up the relationship.  Since that's our experience as parents and as children, that's the model we use to imagine our relationship with our Heavenly Father too.  We think of ourselves as the rebellious teenager who knows has done something wrong and needs punishment...and we think of God as the parent who wants to put us on a time-out...out of His face...far far away, out of his reach to avoid hurting us inadvertently.  

The thing is, well, first, we could and would never be out of God's reach.  It's impossible!  We will always be within the scope of His outstretched arm. And, most importantly, Our Heavenly Father is not a human parent...Jesus Himself reminds us in Luke 11: 13

So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!

However, there are moments when we can't help but feel completely unworthy.  How often have we implored Our Lord the words in Psalm 27: 9? How many times have we felt like we don't deserve to be in His presence? How frequently have we feared our guilt is too deep to deserve to see His face?  

He will not reject us, or forsake us, or send us away in anger, though.  He doesn't need to cool off.  In those moments when we feel like we are that unruly, sassy, insolent, imprudent adolescent whose sin seems unforgivable, we must remember, He is the One who "did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all..."  so "that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (Romans 8:32, John 3: 16)

He is nothing like our human parents.  His love knows no measure.  His grace covers us.  His patience is limitless.  His Son saves us and forgives us again and again and again.

May the Holy Spirit remind us when we are feeling lowly, that
The LORD your God is among you; He is mighty to save. He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17


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