
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

No Lies

Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes,
 for false witnesses rise up against me,
spouting malicious accusations. Psalm 27: 12

I've always told my kids to be the kind of person whose word is solid.  "Be the one that when people ask: 'who said that?' and someone says, 'Dylan' or 'Grant' they go like...'ok, if Dylan/Grant said must be true.'"  They still lie to me to my face, though.  I do have to say, it is very difficult for Dylan to lie to me.  He can't keep a straight face.  Grant, on the other hand...boy...that kids lies...ugh.  He said it's not that he is lying...he is trying to protect me because he knows I can't handle the truth...sigh...yep.  

Regardless, I continue to preach.  I want them to understand the importance of honesty.  I want them to adhere to the "Thou Shall Not Lie" Rule.  I especially don't want them to spout malicious accusations against malicious lies against those they don't like so they can cause hurt.  I sure hope they never get into that.  I hope I don't get into that either.  I always worry about others doing that to me...but, I want to never fall in the trap of doing that to anyone just because my pride is hurt or I'm not a fan.

I pray the Lord does not "turn me over to the desire of my foes..." but that He doesn't turn me over to my own sinful ways either.  I pray the lessons about honesty I've been trying to instill into my sons also permeate my own soul.  In the Precious Name of Jesus, The One Who Is Truth! Amen!

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