
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thank You, Lord for Another Birthday!

 Birthdays have a funny way of making you reflect, don't they?  I don't think much about mine, but then I go to Facebook and I see the abundance of well wishes from friends and the reality of the blessing of reaching another year hits me.  I don't complain about birthdays.  I just don't think about them much.  But reading the birthday greetings from people from all over, touched my heart in a very special way.  

The Lord, has indeed blessed me with a life filled with love and I don't want to take any of it for granted.  In talking about this with my sister, we both agreed that gratitude is an every moment virtue.  We cannot be blinded by less than ideal circumstances.  If we do, we totally miss the abundant life!  She said, "when I was young, I use to think walking, running, sitting, getting up, squatting, and overall normal, painless movement was a given, now I praise the Lord for every step." Yep...I hear you, sister!

I don't want another minute to go by that I don't feel and humbly express my thanksgiving for this life I've been given...including the pain.  After all, "no pain, no gain," right?  The pain reminds us we are still alive...and anything that reminds us of the blessing of another day is something to be grateful for.

Therefore, as I look back on another birthday, I say: Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15

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