
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Just as We Are

 Dylan has a party this evening that has him feeling a bit nervous.  He is not sure what to expect at this party, so, he must have tried at least 5 different outfits before he settled for one.  "I decided I just wanted to be comfortable," he said to me when I gave him a look of surprise at his final choice.  "That's always a good way to choose what you want to wear," I said, as I walked away thinking about my own choices and my own reactions to unsettling events and circumstances.

Whenever I approach the unknown, I get anxious.  As an introvert, social anxiety is a reality I have to manage...and it becomes exhausting.  Thinking about going to places I'm not familiar with and meeting people outside my circle make me really anxious. Not unlike Dylan, I think about what to wear and what to say and not to say more intensely when it's an event that I've never been to. I actually try to get out of these unfamiliar/new "things" as often as I can...but eventually, there'd be a few I can't avoid.  So I totally understand Dylan and his 5 outfits. He is trying to grasp as much control as he can out of a situation in which he has very little under his control.  We think that presenting ourselves carefully put together will gain us social points that could hide other multitudes of flaws. we go through the first days of Lent this year, I'm thinking about how it is important that we prepare ourselves to celebrate Easter.  But, on the same I have to be anxious? Is Easter like one of those events that make me nervous? Do I have to worry about the things I can and cannot control?  Do I have to wrap myself in fancy clothing, triple-rehearse my dialogues in front of a mirror, read articles and gather tips on how to start conversations with strangers so I'm not so mortified at the prospect? 

Scripture says: 

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11: 28

I think Jesus is not expecting us to go through a makeover before we come to Him. I think He just wants us to come as we are...He will give us the makeover, Himself, for He is Who makes us new.  He didn't come for the perfect, He came for me and you.

I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. Luke 5: 32

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3: 23

Just as I am, and nothing more.  Like the old hymn says..."with many a conflict, many a doubt. Fighting and fears within and without..." no matter how I look, feel or think, just come when He calls and receive His "welcome, pardon, cleanse and relieve."  I hope Dylan is having a good time at his party tonight.  He'll be home soon.  I can't wait to hear his stories, hoping none of them include anything about his outfit or pre-party jitters.  I'm ready for him to tell me it went well, and that he was comfortable...just as he was.

Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me
And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee
Oh, Lamb of God, I come, I come

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt
Fighting and fears within without
Oh, Lamb of God, I come, I come
Ooh, just as I am, ooh, I come

Ooh, just as I am, oh Lamb of God, I come
Just as I am, Thou wilt receive
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve
Because Thy promise I believe

Oh, Lamb of God, I come, I come
Ooh, just as I am, ooh, I come
Ooh, just as I am, oh Lamb of God, I come
Oh lamb of God, I come

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