
Monday, February 27, 2023

Time Investment

 I've spent countless hours in the last week or so trying to put together a narrative that details all the work I've done over the past five years, and I tell you...I am spent!

This narrative is a required self-reflection I have to submit as part the evaluation that faculty members undergo every 5 years to make sure we are doing what we're supposed to be doing.  My almost 40 pages are full with all the courses I've taught, committees I've served in, initiatives I've started, service opportunities I've carried out, down to the time commitment invested in each.  I was going to detail the hours I've spent in each thing, but that seemed a bit too much.  I did add, however, a chart with a time-scale that indicates whether the activity required grand, large or moderate amount of time.  When I look at it, I can't believe the exorbitant amount of time I've spent at work...sigh...

How does my prayer life compare to my work life?

That is a question I do not want to address.  I'm too embarrassed and convicted when I think about it, especially now when I have something tangible to compare it to.  I'm sure if I were ever to write a self-reflection on my prayer life down to the time invested in it, the chart would not look so grand.

I praise the Lord for His patience and compassion with me. I tell you, if He had a temper like mine, He would have wiped me out a long time ago. But, because of His nature, He hasn't...for

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Psalm 103: 8

We are the ones who lack commitment and faithfulness.  But He is Faithful for all of us.  It is always a good time for prayer. Every hour is a good hour to spend time with the Lord. If I make time for all the responsibilities I have at work, I can make time for the most important task in my life, being still before the Lord.

Praying that this season of Lent may be a time to recommit my hours and invest my time in what matters most.  In Christ's Precious Name.  Amen!

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