
Saturday, March 4, 2023

God's Timing

Do you get impatient with people who seem to always be dragging their feet? I do.  I think it comes from growing up with my Dad.  He was a very demanding and imposing man...larger than life...and he wanted things done his way and in his timing, which allowed no slack...when he asked for something, he wanted it done 5 minutes ago.  I spent much of my youth making sure I never made my Dad wait for was exhausting.

I guess that kind of conditioned me to be impatient in my own life as an a Mom and Wife.  But, boy, have I had a learning experience here?! My boys, all 3 of them, have taught me the very hard lesson of adjusting my expectations.  From asking Dylan 35 times a day to empty the dish washer, and asking Grant if he has already found some graduate programs for his Masters to asking Dan to paint that wall, replace that light, take me to Hawaii, buy a beach condo, move to Florida...nothing gets done when I demand it.  I always have to wait for it to be done in "their time."  It drives me CRAZY!

Well, I guess the same happens in my relationship with God.  I pray for things...and often, they do unfold in a timing that is according to my schedule.  But, there are some that have been years and years ... and the response continues to be "wait."  "Not yet."  Hang tight and wait in the Lord...which is very difficult for me, but I believe the lessons I've been learning while I wait are precisely what the Lord intends for me, and I feel closer to Him for that.

I think that's what Peter is trying to tell us in his second letter, chapter 3:

8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3: 8-9

God's timing is His own, and not ours.  Kind of like me making an effort to develop patience with my kids, trying to give them space to be their own persons and not making unreasonable demands, I believe God reminds us of His sovereignty in the way He manages time.  He is in control, not us.  And this is a very effective way to remember this fact.  There aren't many things that make a person realize how little control they have, than to have to wait.  The sense of self-importance that comes from immediate obedience at one's demands crumbles when those who we expect to react to our commands, just sit around and lollygag.  Of course, I'm not saying God is lollygagging.  I'm saying He is King over time and over all.

May the words of Peter remind us that God's sense of timing is different than ours...and that in the end, He is most interested in our character, salvation, sanctification and glorification, than in granting our every wishes, like a genie in a bottle.  

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