
Sunday, March 19, 2023

Happy Birthday, Dan!

 It's funny how birthdays cease to be about us as we become parents, isn't it?  Today is Dan's birthday and compared to when we were young, we didn't do anything "special" to celebrate...though by our current standards, I'd say, it was a pretty special day all in all.  

We went to church, which is always special.  Then, we had lunch with Grant and a couple of his friends from college.  That phrase in itself is SUPER special: "Grant's friends."  This boy spent his entire life before college pretty much on his own.  He had very few friends and he never really did anything with them.  He didn't go to their houses much.  They never came to ours.  Outside for marching band activities, he didn't really do or go anywhere.  Ever since he went to Geneva College, however, he has been blessed with a group of friends that seem to really get him.  He seems comfortable and more confident.  He seems happy...and to see that is an amazing gift.  I don't know about Dan, but I'd take that present over any other thing I could ever get for my birthday.

Later on, we went to Dylan's basketball banquet.  This event closed this year's season, which by our standards was fantastic.  The team did not win any championship or anything ever remotely like that, but it was the most exciting season for Dylan since he began playing the game in third grade.  He got to play more than ever and he learned valuable lessons that I'm sure he'll carry with him through the rest of his life.  Seeing him there sitting with the team, smiling and having fun was a true joy...another very special gift, more impressive than anything I could have bought, for sure.

We are wrapping up with night with a silly movie at home, a father-son video game soccer match, and the usual Sunday evening blues before another week of work starts, but praising God for the jobs we do have and for the moments of rejoicing we were able to experienced today to add to our memory boxes.  Nothing special by the world's standards...but plenty special to us...and for that we Praise Our Lord, because we acknowledge that:

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights...
James 1: 17

May Our Heavenly Father continue to bless Dan with good health and long life to spend it with us.  In the Precious Name of Jesus, Our Redeemer and Friend.  Amen!

Happy Birthday, Love!

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