
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

I Don't Know

 There are so many things I don't understand about God's plan for me, my loved ones and the world.  Let me rephrase that:  there is very little I understand about God's plan for me, my loved ones and the world at large.  There isn't much I understand at all.  I guess, if we could know and comprehend everything about God with our limited minds...He wouldn't be much of a God after all, right?  It is actually by design that some things-many things-are supposed to remain a mystery.  

He has revealed much through His Word in Scripture.  I believe He has revealed all that He thought was enough for us to know.  But it would be foolish for us to think that there isn't more-much more-that He has decided is not the time yet to disclose.  I believe we see a hint of this truth in Revelation 10: 4 when John heard a Voice from Heaven saying,

And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down.”

John witnessed something God didn't want revealed to humanity yet.  It's like when Jesus tells us not to be anxious about the future (Matthew 6: 34).  The future and its hidden things do not belong to us, so it is useless to be obsessed with it.  We have received enough information and guidance for what we have to do today.  There's no need to try to figure every single detail out.  Some things are meant to stay secret. 

This is why I should not be shy to say: "I don't know," when someone asks me things like: "Why does God do this?" or "Why does a supposedly loving God allows bad things to happen to good people?"  We can reply the standard, "we live in a fallen world and this is the consequence of our corruption brought unto us by our sin," but an honest and heart felt, "I don't know" could probably be very effective too, because it shows our humility and how we depend on God for meaning.  He doesn't need us to defend Him.  We are not the Holy Spirit.  Sometimes a simple, "I don't know...but I trust Him," can soften a hardened heart or plant a seed.

One day all the mysteries will be revealed and we will learn the fullness of God's plan.  For now, we rest in His care, trusting in His timing.  Trusting that He is Holy and Good, and that His will is perfect. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Our Sustainer and Redeemer.  Amen! 

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