
Thursday, March 9, 2023

Wear Your Crown Well

 March 8 is supposed to be International Women's Day.  I don't even want to get into this because it is all so very political...but my sister sent me a video that truly gave me perspective and made me glad to be a woman.  The video is in Spanish, but the gist was this:  Jesus is the real Champion of women.  

The video relates a sample of the instances in the Gospels when Jesus showed the value of women as precious jewels of creation.  From allowing Himself to be humbled to the condition of a baby born of a choosing women to be the first witnesses of His glorious resurrection, Jesus exalted women to a position of high regard where it had never been.  

Jesus and His actions toward women showed the world the worth of women regardless of what society may have decided.  He sought them out of their sin.  He saved them from being stoned to death by making her accusers realized we are all equal opportunity sinners.  He healed them spiritually and physically.  He let women come to Him and touch the hem of His tunic or wash Him with their tears.  He listen.  He comforted.  He addressed their concerns. He walked with them.  He never dismissed them.  He always gave them of Himself and covered them with compassion and mercy as He enlighten them with His wisdom and knowledge.  He literally went out of His way to meet them.  Nobody took them seriously, but He called them by their name.  He made women a bridge upon which He'd cross to humanity and to the lost. What an amazing inheritance of love.

What a blessing to be counted among the women.  What a blessing to be the spiritual heiress of the women who went before me.  What a blessing to be a bearer of Jesus' design for womanhood. This is the real revolution.  We were born to be His princesses.  I'm proud to be one of them. May we all wear our crowns well. 

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