
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Eye-Roll Code

 "Your eyes are going to get stuck like that!"  This was a warning I used to hear from Rosa all throughout my childhood.  Actually, she would say it to my sister way more than to me...but I can't pretend the admonition wasn't meant for me too.  

The thing is that my sister and I are major eye-rollers.  It's like our second language.  We have it coded:  One eye-roll=UGH.  Two eye-rolls + one sigh="you idiot."  Two eye-rolls + shaking the head = "your stupidity has no limits." Two eye-rolls + shaking the head + a deep sigh = "you're not dead because God is Good."  One eye-roll followed by a long, long blink + a sigh = "you've better be gone when I open my eyes or not even the Power of the Blood could save you."

Yep...patience has not been a fruit easily grown neither cultivated in abundance in the garden of my soul.  It's one of those things I really struggle with.  My sinful nature and the old me conspire to keep me trapped in this stronghold, causing me to stumble over and over again.

I read Paul's letter to the Colossians, chapter 3, and I can't help but wonder: how in the world am I going to "put to death, ..., whatever belongs to my earthly nature"? (Colossians 3: 5a)

I know Paul lists things such as sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, and things that lead to idolatry.  But he also mentions, anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language...and my behavior is bordering this territory.  My eye-rolling is a sign of my impatience, which in turn is derived from my pride, and when this one is wounded, it quickly flows into anger, rage and even malice, and all the other stuff that keep my earthly nature alive and well, rather than dead and in the grave.

The remedy is to "put on the new self which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." (Colossians 3: 10)  My problem is: I don't think I know how to do that?

When I don't know how to do something, I need to read the instructions over and over again, until a single sentence is broken down in my head into smaller portions or single steps.  In this sentence, we have that the first fragment says: put on the new self.  OK, what's that? Well, that's my earthly sinful nature which I'm supposed to have killed.  But, did I really kill it? The truth is, I would not know the first thing about killing my earthly and sinful nature.  Jesus had to do that for me.  Only by His death and resurrection this could be accomplished! So, by His wounds I have been healed! PTL, AMEN! But then, what?

Well, Jesus' also imputed His righteousness in me as a result of His sacrifice on the cross.  He took my sin and gave me His righteousness.  He put a new self in me.  Alleluia!!  So by His work and sacrifice, and by dwelling in me, He has taken care of this part because there's no way I could do it on my own.  I believe Him and I receive His grace and He cleanses me and gives me a new me.

"Which is being renewed," and here we see an action that is progressive, meaning, it is still on going.  I'm being renewed.  So, there's no need to panic, for I believe this is the work of sanctification which takes place for as long as we are still walking on this earth.

And how does that sanctification happen? I believe Paul is saying that it is accomplished by the constant seeking of the knowledge of Jesus so we can become closer and closer to being what we were meant to be since the beginning: the image of our Creator.

I don't know if I'm even close to being right, but I have to keep the hope that God's mercy includes covering me with the providence of His patience.  For when I am weak, He is strong, and when I am prideful and impatient, He is loving and compassionate...and I put my hope on that...praying that I can stop the eye-roll as a sign of obedience and that I'm am still on the road to sanctification.  In the Precious Name of Jesus, My Redeemer and Friend.  Amen!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Retail Therapy, I Think Not

I like shopping.  I can't deny it.  I enjoy all those memes about Amazon because I can relate. It's not just online shopping, though.  I don't discriminate.  Old-fashioned shopping trips/sprees give me butterflies in my tummy too.  It's terrible.  I know.  Dan keeps reminding me of this character flaw ALL.THE.TIME.


And he is right, in a way.  If it weren't for his ability to hit the breaks on my purchasing train, we'd probably be homeless.  But boy, is it hard to pass up a sale, or what?

I mean, I have gotten way better over time.  I have become more controlled and smarter too. But still...sigh.

The big issue here, though, is that I use shopping as an escape.  When I'm stressed out and need a break, shopping is always there to lift me up. There are many things wrong with this scenario.  Worst of all is the fact that my default involves diving into the material world for comfort, when answers and true respite can only come from the spiritual realm.  My ties to this world are too tight.  I forget that I don't belong to this place.  I forget Paul's words when he tells us:

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3: 1-2

It is not just Jesus who rose from the grave.  He raised me too!  He raised all of us.  He descended to the pit of filth where we were, grabbed hold of us and brought us to life! He lifted us.  He gave us a new birth.  This new life, this new us comes together with a new view of things.  We are not immersed in the darkness of a life void of righteousness anymore.  Jesus gave us His righteousness, and with that comes a perspective that looks up at things above, instead of down to what we left behind.  This new life is the life in the Spirit, the Spirit of God who guides us and leads us and comforts us and helps us find our way to Christ seating at the right hand of God.  Therefore, our minds are set on Him, not on earthly things.  But we forget...I forget...and that is why Scripture is such a divine gift, because it is through Scripture that the Holy Spirit helps us remember and leads us back.  

I know I won't be canceling my subscription to Amazon Prime anytime soon.  But I know I'm not a slave to its lure.  I know where my help and my light comes from, and it is not from retail therapy.  It is from Him:

My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121: 2


Monday, April 17, 2023

Extending Mercy

 "Please, Mom...have mercy on me.  Remember.  Jesus says to have mercy..."

Insert big eye-roll and deep sigh...

Kids are really good at manipulation.  I don't know how many times Dylan has pulled this one on me.  My students do this all the time as well. Of course they don't invoke Jesus, but they do play on the sob stories to get away with missing due dates.  I get really tired of it.  When they do this, they want to take advantage of me, and it infuriates me.  I don't give in easily.  I mean, really...the least they can do is grovel, right?

However, Dylan is right.  Jesus did say: Be merciful just as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6: 36)

I have to admit, though, I struggle with that.  I'm so full of pride that when I sense someone is taking advantage of me or when I feel like people think I'm an idiot, I react rather harshly.  I tend to not give others the benefit of the doubt or so I've been told...mostly by Dan.  He tells me things like: "You always assume the worst!" or "We need to extend a little bit of grace to others." He reminds me about it...constantly...ugh...

And...he is right...sigh...

We are called to extend grace and mercy to others...just as we have received it from Our Heavenly Father in abundance.  Colossians 3: 1-17 is a comprehensive explanation of how as Christians, we have been made new by Jesus, and as such, we ought to live lives that reflect the mercy of Our Lord.  We are supposed to do everything, "in word or deed" in the name of Jesus.  As His ambassadors, we need to reflect who He is, and He is Mercy!

Today has brought plenty of opportunities for me to extend grace to students...just as I was extended grace and mercy in the speedy delivery of good medical test results.  As I examine my responses to students...I am ashamed to say I haven't been as merciful and prompt in my responses as the Lord was to deliver me from my anguished wait.  Now that I look back...I better take another good look at Colossians 3: 1-17 so I allow the Holy Spirit to work these words in me all the way to the core of my soul.

May we receive the mercy of understanding so we can learn how to walk on the way of Jesus.  In His Precious Name.  Amen!

Sunday, April 16, 2023


 Having arguments with loved ones is one of those things that can really put a big, dark cloud over one's head, isn't it? Unresolved disagreements can linger there forever, often becoming the proverbial "elephant in the room."  The issues don't even have to be huge or super serious to cause a break in relationships.  Now, if the issue involves a betrayal by one of the may as well forget it.  It would take a miracle for that relationship to be fully restored.

That's exactly what happened between Jesus and Peter.  In John 18: 15-27 we see how Peter disowns and denies Jesus 3 times just like Jesus had predicted.  I can only imagine how the human heart of Jesus must have felt when He witnessed His dearest friend, the leader among His inner circle, blatantly denying any connections.  I would dare to guess that in Jesus' humanity, knowing it would happened wasn't as devastating as seeing it happening in front of Him.  I wonder if Jesus' human logic might have held a spec of hope that Peter wouldn't do it...only to be completely crushed by the time the rooster crowed...sigh...

How does Peter ever get over that?  How does he move on from such an epic fail?  How does one ever forgive self after something this monumental?

This can only be accomplished by the power and miraculous Hand of Jesus, The One Who Makes All Things New!

After the resurrection, that morning Jesus made breakfast for the disciples, after all have gotten their fill, Jesus called Peter aside for a heart to heart.  I wonder what Peter must have felt.  Ashamed?  Afraid?  Unworthy to be sitting and eating with the Resurrected Lord he had just betrayed a few days ago?  All of the above?

But Jesus, in His infinite love, took Peter for a walk, not to incriminate him, recriminate him, accuse him, belittle, of course not.  Jesus in a display of compassion and patience didn't even bring the subject up directly.  That was not the point.  Jesus knew He didn't have to do that because Peter was already carrying that thorn in his heart without any help from anyone.  Jesus' intention was to remove that thorn and restore His friend so he could do the kingdom work laid out for him.

In John 21: 15-25 three times Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him more than "these" for each time Peter denied Him.  Each time, Peter says yes.  With embarrassment and with a convicted heart, Peter knows what this is about...but neither of them says it.  "Feed my lambs," "take care of my sheep," "feed my sheep" and "follow me,"  those are Jesus' instructions for Peter.  Those are the words of his installation as the leader of what's to come.  Those are the words of restauration for a bleeding heart seeking to be healed by His wounds.

That is the miracle of redemption:  The restoring power of The Word who makes us whole again.

May we remember this as we continue to walk on this valley of tears.  The Hope of the redeeming power of Christ lives regardless of our infidelities.  When we are weak, He is strong. When we are deceitful, He is faithful.  When we walk away from Him, He calls us back.  When we are lost, He finds us.  When we deny Him, He redeems us.  Praise the Lord, Alleluia! Amen!

Friday, April 14, 2023

Lunch with Friends

 Going out to lunch with friends is one of the joys of life for me.  Gathering together around a meal I didn't have to prepare at a fun place that perhaps I've never been to before, or haven't been to in a while, to chat to our hearts content with a friend is a special use of time.  It's a precious investment of time, really.  In this world when everything and everyone is just running around trying to keep our heads above water, setting aside time for our loved ones should be a priority.  And friends should be a priority.  I believe good friends are God's gift to us so we can continue our walk on this valley of shadows and darkness.  So, it is only fitting that we would dedicate time regularly to be in each other's company to strengthen one another and pause from our daily struggles, catch our breathe and just chill a moment...a precious moment.  Hence, lunch dates with good friends!

Jesus knew the importance of gathering together with friends over meals.  He did it all the time during His ministry while He walked on this earth.  And He did it after His resurrection.  One instance that comes to mind was that early morning breakfast meeting by the sea of Galilee (John 21: 1-14).  That was the time when Peter and some of the other disciples went fishing to find some comfort in the familiar activity after the surreal events that had just happened, but they couldn't catch any fish.  It was then that they saw the Lord making breakfast by the shore.  

It was just the most perfect thing Jesus could do for them, to bring them comfort and renewal: to share a meal with them.  And the apostles reacted on cue: they jumped out of the boat.  They didn't think about it.  Peter himself, the one who had been afraid to get out of the boat on an earlier occasion, rolled up his outer garments, and jumped.  He wasn't going to pass up the opportunity this time around, no way.  Neither did the others.  What a tender moment of fraternal love!

It is curious to me how Jesus had food already prepared there, waiting for the others, but He said:  “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.” John 21: 10  Why?  I can't help but wonder that this was to signal the importance of our contributions to the work of God.  Jesus was the One who provided the miracle of the giant catch, but He wants us to bring part of it as an offering back to a symbol of our gratitude and in humility for all the undeserved blessings.  He didn't need the extra fish.  He already had breakfast ready...but it was for remember to bring the offering out of our first fruits.  

Peter went back to the boat and dragged the net to shore. The net broke.  I can only imagine the mayhem with all those fish jumping back into the water, or at least trying as they flapped around.  Peter probably became flustered, trying to not lose the catch, when Jesus says:  "Come and have breakfast." John 21: 12  It's almost possible to hear the, "it's OK, leave it be and come over here.  Sit down and eat."  What a moment...what a precious moment.  A moment to drop the burdens and just chill with the Lord...WOW!

As we continue to celebrate Easter in our hearts, let's remember to take the time to pause and hang out with our good friends, especially our friends from Scripture, mainly with our most important Friend, Jesus, so we can drop the burden, bring our offering and enjoy the comfort of His presence, like the comfort of the presence of our dearest Friends.  In His Precious Name.  Amen!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

He Is Always Here

 As we wrap up this year's Easter season, I can't help but feel melancholic.  I know, The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! Praised be His Holy Name!  We rejoice with the good news...but then...on comes Monday and it is back to the reality of a world that is so complicated and hard to navigate...that I feel deflated.  Our society has changed so much and mainly for the worse.  People have walked away from God and there is an entire generation who doesn't know who Jesus is or is even curious to find out.  Church is rejected and organized religion is dwindling.  The hope of Easter Sunday seems to dissipate with the early lights of the next day and my heart sinks.

I start wondering what God's plan is, and fear creeps in.  It seems that nothing but destruction, depravation and chaos are in line for our societies.  Humanity is forgetting all about Him, worshiping self above all else.  We are living lives more and more void of a connection with the golden rule, and less and less of us are interested in seeking Him first.  

When I get to moments like this, I need to collect myself and remember, God is in full control of everything.  He knows what He is doing.  Though it may seem as if He is about to allow humanity to destroy itself, I have to trust His plan.  I have to trust that He is present and that He cares.  The same way He cared even about Cain, He cares about us.  Yes, if there was a time in history when one would think God had abandoned mankind it was at the beginning when Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden.  Back when Cain was selfishly jealous of his brother Abel to the point of killing him, we would think God was just not there.  But it only takes a careful reading to realize that He was there all along.  

Genesis chapter 4, particularly verses 3 to 16 show us that it wasn't God who abandoned us.  It was Cain who left. God was there.  He even reached out to Cain knowing full well that he was pouting about the whole thing with Abel having presented a better offering.  God acted in compassion towards Cain, even though Cain was lost.  This is one instance of the dramatic pursue of Our Father for us.  Cain just refused to understand and to repent.  He could not get over himself and accept his responsibility, ask for forgiveness and learn from his mistakes.  Instead, he chose to pout and whine.  God, however, as the loving Father He is, put a cover of protection on him regardless of Cain's inability to grow up.  But Cain...left.  He, "went out from the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden." (Genesis 4: 16)

And that's the story.  Since the dawn of mankind, it is us who leave God, not the other way around.  Even in our darkest moments, He is there.  Even when our vision is too clouded by our sin that we can't see Him, He is there...protecting us...loving us.  And that's the promise we must hang on to.  Even in the world's most desperate hour, when society seems to be choosing self destruction, God is here.  He is in control.  And I choose to trust.

I pray that the Holy Spirit would made His presence be felt with renewed fervor in these days of darkness and that people may begin to call on the Name of the Lord again.  May His mercy, compassion and infinite love guard us and protect us from our own sinful actions.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Holy Saturday Meditation

 Waiting is not one of my qualities.  I get panicky too quickly and if I have to add a period of waiting to my already restless state, my anxiety level goes through the roof instantaneously.  Usually, when I'm nervous and I have to wait, I make myself busy.  I do something.  I find work to occupy my mind and distract myself long enough until the waiting period is over.

Thinking about waiting and Holy Saturday, I tell you, I don't know how the Apostles and all those who loved Jesus and followed Him to the tomb managed it.  

53 Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid. 54 It was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin.

55 The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. 56 Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment. Luke 23: 53-56

Can you imagine that Sabbath day?  After all the horrific events that started after Passover on Thursday, all through Good then land on the Sabbath to rest.  REST?!  Who could possible rest after all that had happened?!  My mind would be racing.  My heartrate would be uncontrollable.  My blood pressure would be about to explode! REST!  There is NO way I could calm down enough to rest.  I would not be able to make my mind settle long enough to remember to sit down and do nothing for a WHOLE DAY!  

I wonder if I would have risked it and just found something to do...maybe even taken a walk to the tomb where they buried Him just so I could grief and cry to my heart's content nearby where He had been laid to rest.  I don't know, but just thinking about it makes me anxious.

Not them, though...they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.  What we call Holy Saturday today, was the day when Jewish people would just stay put and slow down, idle.  They probably used the day to talk about what had happened and collect their thoughts.  They probably pondered silently the impending question in everyone's mind that nobody might have wanted to address:  now what? What are we supposed to do now that Our Lord is gone?

Today, however, when we have the benefit of Scripture which tells us the whole story, and the blessing of knowing that He ran out of that grave the next day, Holy Saturday is still a day to pause.  It is the day to meditate on what Jesus did on Friday afternoon while we wait for Sunday morning.  Today is the day when continue to wait not just for Easter morning, but we also wait for that day when Jesus will come back on all His glory.  It is the day when we renew our hope even while still immersed in a world that have apparently forgotten all about Him.  In this seemingly never-ending Holy Saturday, our gratitude rises above our agony because we know that in spite of what we see in this material realm, the truth is in The Word and in the promise of His return. 

Therefore, we Praise His Holy Name in this Holy Saturday as we wait with the certainty of those who know what's next...and that what's next is that we have already won.  

We Praise You, Lord Jesus and give You our Thanksgiving for loving us to the point of dying for us.  Today is the day to remember that it wasn't 3 nails what held You to the cross.  You could have come down from that tree in the blink of an eye.  What kept you on the cross was Your love for us, and for that we Praise You as the Only Worthy Lamb.

Amazing grace, how sweet that sound.  Praise You for who You are.  Thank You for knowing me, and for loving me still.  Come Lord Jesus, come soon.  May Holy Saturday give way to Easter morning once again.  In Your Precious Name.  Amen!

Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving

 In this Holy days leading to Easter, I'd like to turn my thoughts towards gratitude.  Gratitude for what Jesus did back when He walked this earth in the material realm as well as for what He continues to do today all around.  I want to be awake enough to contemplate in reverence and thanksgiving the events of those days.  The pain, anguish, fear, and horror of the Passion of Our Lord, His crucifixion and death, but also the hope of His resurrection and the glory of His ascension into Heaven...I want to be grateful for everything.

A devotional reading I read this morning said:  "Bring Me the sacrifice of thanksgiving.  Take nothing for granted, not even the rising of the sun." (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)

Imagine if we are called to give thanks even for things we don't even think about, like the rising of the sun, or breathing, or blinking, or waking are we not to spend time meditating and filling our hearts with appreciation for what Jesus did and keeps on doing?  How could we go through the whole Easter season without a deep sense of thankfulness?  Easily.  We do it by getting so busy with the things of this world to the point that we forget the reason for the celebration.  The world has a way to distract us from the real meaning of what we do.  At Christmas, we get distracted by the twinkling lights, the Elves on shelves, the old, jolly fellows on red suits, the presents, the parties.  At Easter we sweeten the days with candy, eggs, bunnies, pastel-colored flowers and new dresses.  A whirlwind later, and we're back to nothing happened.

I guess that's why the devotional says: "the sacrifice of thanksgiving."  Taking time to pause and ponder on the events that give meaning to the days requires sacrifice, indeed.  I don't know about you, but for me, time bleeds out like water gushing from a busted hydrant.  Hitting the pause button would imply sacrificing many things in my daily list of chores...all important...all needing my attention...all coming to me with a rush order.  When we give an offering it is supposed to be out of what we value, not out of our surplus.  Time never seems to be on surplus around here.  Therefore, that is the best gift I can give back to Our Lord...time to give thanks.

I want to be transformed.  Like my devotional concluded, "When you approach Me with thanksgiving, the Light of My Presence pours into you, transforming you through and through."  May these Holy days allow us opportunities to come to Christ with a heart filled with gratitude.  And may He transform us into who He designed us to be.  In His Precious Name.  Amen!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Ugly Feet

 I don't like many things about my body.  The list is very long and I don't want to get into details, but I just wanted to mention one body part that I have been self-conscious about since I was a teen: my feet.  I used to get teased about them.  They are way too large, sweaty, smelly, semi-deformed.  My toes look more like fingers, and since I've broken a few of them because in my clumsiness...they are crooked and disgusting. 

At any rate.  I have never gotten a pedicure because I don't want to subject anyone to have to deal with my feet.  It would just be too humiliating, so I keep saying, no thanks!  I can only imagine the kind of conversations the pedicurists would exchange after I'm gone: did you see "Mrs. big foot" there? Her feet are so huge we needed a towel for each toe!

No thank you! he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. John 13: 4-5

Dear Lord, I am so not worth it.  I am so not worth Your incredible act of service towards those who like me do not deserve it.  To see You in such a humble position, washing my dirty, ugly, nauseating feet.  I cannot fathom it.  I'm sure I would have joined Peter in saying, Lord,  “you shall never wash my feet.” (John 13: 8) Only to be rebuked by Jesus, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” (John 13: 8b)

And that's where we are at.  Unless Jesus washes us, we have no part with Him.  So, Lord, I pray You will come into my heart and wash me from the inside out, all of me, all the way down to my revolting feet, so I can be with I can be a part of I can enter into Your Holy Sanctuary fully restored. 

Thank you, Lord Jesus for everything.  May we be able to walk into Your presence with clean souls, clean hearts, clean minds, clean spirits and yes, even, clean feet.  Amen!

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Our Blessed Hope

 Today was such a wonderful day!  I can't believe Dan and I were actually able to go for a walk around our neighborhood.  It feels like it's been such a long winter.  Even though it was pretty just felt long and exhausting. I know tomorrow is supposed to rain and all that jazz. But today...ahhh...what a tall and refreshing glass of pure anticipation for better things to come!

The warmth of the sunshine filled my heart with the yearning of spring, the season of renewal, the season of rebirth. In this Holy Week, as we are entering the days of remembrance of what Our Lord, Jesus, the Messiah, The Christ sent by God the Father, did for us making this season also the season of hope.

As I was thinking of this I looked over a pile of papers on my messy work station here at home, and I saw a church bulletin from a few Sunday's ago where I had scribbled on the sermon notes the diagram that our Pastor has been sharing with us to train us on how to talk to others about God's plan of salvation.  The diagram goes something like this

Taken from

The diagram is meant to be a simple way to share the good news of salvation with unbelievers and those who have never heard about God's plan for us.  I'm not sure I have ever gotten it right...but it goes something like this:  It starts with God's perfect design for humanity, but then, we tend to run toward sin which causes brokenness and interruption of the unfolding of that perfect design.  The way to be made whole again is through repentance and believe as we dive into the Gospel where Jesus' death and resurrection restores us and redeems us so we can get back on track again into God's plan. 

I love the diagram and I pray the Holy Spirit gives me the courage to use it someday.  But what caught my attention on that paper was something I had written above the diagram and enclosed in a frame.  I usually do that as a way to highlight ideas I want to be able to find easily later as I review my typically scattered and hard-to-read, semi-pathetic efforts at note-taking.  Anyway, the words I frame were:  This is the Hope.

I'm not sure why I phrased it that way.  I'm not sure I like it, to tell you the truth.  It kind of sounds like wishful thinking rather than certainty.  Today, I'd like to amend my editorial comment and take out the "the."  God's plan depicted on the three circle diagram is not "the" Hope.  God's restoring master design is Hope itself, or Himself, I should say.  It is pure and unadulterated Hope, because Hope is Jesus.  Our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ is Our Blessed Hope. (Titus 2: 13)

Just as I inhale the last few rays of today's sunshine, my cup runs over with Hope not just for the beauty of nature awaking from its winter slumber, but with true Hope, the one that Only comes from Him, Our Hope of glory.  In the precious Name Above All Names.  Amen!

Monday, April 3, 2023

How Can It Be?

 I read a beautifully written study on the biblical truth expressed in the hymn "And Can It Be That I Should Gain?" by Charles Wesley, one of the fathers of the Methodist church.  Charles Wesley wrote about 6,000 hymns some of which are song across denominations from Christmas to Easter and everything in between.  Among the most famous of Wesley's hymns we have "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" the quintessential Easter song and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" its Christmas counterpart.  

Though "And Can It Be That I Should Gain?" is not as universally recognized as the above mentioned, it is a most profound reflection on what Jesus truly did for us.  It is where Christmas and Easter collide.  It is a scandalous meditation on the impact of the Incarnation and the Crucifixion.   Like the writer of the devotional I read today said, "This hymn expresses old truths being perceived anew, amid surprise and astonishment.  Indeed, Wesley's words of faith are expressed in questions of "unbelief" - of incomprehension, amazement.  "how could this be true? How could the sacrifice of Christ apply not only to others but to me?"

And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Savior's blood
Died He for me, who caused His pain
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be
That Thou, my God, should die for me?

And then, the song's repeated underlying question-a vast and cosmic one - a question about the Incarnation and the Cross, about Christmas and Easter,

Amazing love! How can it be
That Thou, my God, should die for me?

('Tis Mystery All! by J. Todd Billings in The Wondrous Cross.  Reflections on Christ's Sacrifice Drawn from the Songs and Hymns of Easter.)

And that is the question: who am I to be loved by God?

I do not deserve Him.  I do not deserve Him making such a precious sacrifice for me.  I am the worst sinner.  I am one of His accusers.  I am one of His deniers.  How could He want me to the point of dying for me?

I don't know.

All I know is that, "...God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Roman 5: 8 And that includes you and me.

It's a mystery, indeed-A blessed mystery for which I am eternally grateful- It is the mystery of His Saving Grace, and I don't question it, I surrender to it and praise Him.  In His Awe-Inspiring Name, in wonder and bewilderment I pray.  Amen!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Striving to Live by the Spirit

If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5: 25

"How do we live by the Spirit?"
This was the question our Pastor asked tonight at our last Lent-meditation event at church.  As I was helping out in the kitchen, the question resonated in my mind.  I got distracted with the tasks at hand, so I tucked away the question among the sloppy joe and chicken salad sandwiches, the coleslaw, apple sauce, cakes and dirty dishes.  Now that I'm back home, though, the question resurfaced: "How do we live by the Spirit?"

This wasn't a rhetorical question.  It was meant to be answered.  The first thing that I thought was: listen.  To live by the Spirit I must listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking to me from my heart.  It is difficult, though.  There are so many other voices clamoring for my attention, work being a pretty loud one.  I'm so distracted by the screams for attention that come from the general direction of my office that I often spend most of my days enslaved to  all the things I have to do for it.  Family responsibilities also speak very loudly in my life.  At the end of the day, then, I'm so tired that many times I just collapse in bed without having spent any quality time listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit in me.  Therefore, neither living by the Spirit nor keeping in step with the Spirit are a consistent reality in my journey of faith.

What to do?

Can I just quit my job? and my family?

Well...not really...

I just need to pray that the same Holy Spirit I'm neglecting, guides me and helps me become organized so I can get my priorities straight.  I need a job and I need to tend to my family, but spending time with My Lord is above both of these.  In order to divide my time in a way that is in accordance with God's will, I must place myself in His hands.  "Your will be done," Lord as I recognize Your #1 ranking among all that is important to me in life.  You are My Father in Heaven.  Praised be Your Holy Name.  Your Kingdom comes and Your will is done on earth in heaven and in me.  All the rest is up to You.  All the rest is in Your care.

If I can remember this, I will be able to live by and keep in step with the Spirit.  A way to assure I will remember is by staying in Scripture on a daily basis, listening to what the Spirit has to say and obeying it.  

May the Holy Spirit open up the pathways for us to live by and keep in step with Him.  The Holy Guide and Counselor.  Our Helper and Comforter.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!