
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Striving to Live by the Spirit

If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5: 25

"How do we live by the Spirit?"
This was the question our Pastor asked tonight at our last Lent-meditation event at church.  As I was helping out in the kitchen, the question resonated in my mind.  I got distracted with the tasks at hand, so I tucked away the question among the sloppy joe and chicken salad sandwiches, the coleslaw, apple sauce, cakes and dirty dishes.  Now that I'm back home, though, the question resurfaced: "How do we live by the Spirit?"

This wasn't a rhetorical question.  It was meant to be answered.  The first thing that I thought was: listen.  To live by the Spirit I must listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking to me from my heart.  It is difficult, though.  There are so many other voices clamoring for my attention, work being a pretty loud one.  I'm so distracted by the screams for attention that come from the general direction of my office that I often spend most of my days enslaved to  all the things I have to do for it.  Family responsibilities also speak very loudly in my life.  At the end of the day, then, I'm so tired that many times I just collapse in bed without having spent any quality time listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit in me.  Therefore, neither living by the Spirit nor keeping in step with the Spirit are a consistent reality in my journey of faith.

What to do?

Can I just quit my job? and my family?

Well...not really...

I just need to pray that the same Holy Spirit I'm neglecting, guides me and helps me become organized so I can get my priorities straight.  I need a job and I need to tend to my family, but spending time with My Lord is above both of these.  In order to divide my time in a way that is in accordance with God's will, I must place myself in His hands.  "Your will be done," Lord as I recognize Your #1 ranking among all that is important to me in life.  You are My Father in Heaven.  Praised be Your Holy Name.  Your Kingdom comes and Your will is done on earth in heaven and in me.  All the rest is up to You.  All the rest is in Your care.

If I can remember this, I will be able to live by and keep in step with the Spirit.  A way to assure I will remember is by staying in Scripture on a daily basis, listening to what the Spirit has to say and obeying it.  

May the Holy Spirit open up the pathways for us to live by and keep in step with Him.  The Holy Guide and Counselor.  Our Helper and Comforter.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!

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