
Monday, September 24, 2012

In You, I Trust

Today, as I continue to fret and anguish about the nation and the future that awaits us and specially our children, I realize that my struggle to remain hopeful is rooted in my lack of trust. I do cling to all Scripture that speaks to me about the truth of how we can rely on the unshakable faithfulness of our God. In times like these, however, when the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is yet to be seen, my trust falters.

It is, in times like these, therefore, that I must acknowledge my diminishing trust, repent, pray for a fresh word and go back to the Bible in search for renewed faith. It is there where I find my battle cry in the words of David when he says:

But I trust in you, Lord; 

I say, “You are my God.” 

My times are in your hands; Psalm 31: 14-15 

“You are MY GOD!” the Lord, My God, the Faithful One. The One who is Good and who is Love; in You I trust. My times are, indeed in your hands; and in times like these, your hands are the only safe place to be.

I breathe in the peace that comes from the realization that You are on Your Throne and that You command my destiny as well as the destiny of our nation. Regardless of how I feel, You are worthy of my trust and You will deliver us from evil as we put our faith in You, and You alone.

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