
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Increase Our Discernment, Lord!

As I continue to keep our dear nation in my prayers, the words of Paul in his letter to Timothy come to mind with the piercing force of a freshly sharpened blade.

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 1 Timothy 4: 1 

I shudder at Paul’s clarity.

The deceiving spirits that the Apostle talks about surely seem to be among us now. Everywhere I look deception, double talk and outright lies make my soul churn in pain and blush in shame. The enemy boldly sends out his demons to deceit those who do not dwell in the truth, leaving behind a casualty trail filled with the lost and the betrayed.

That is why today I pray, Lord, that you will grant us clear vision to see the way of the truth so we may not ever fall for the road of falsehood. In the days that are to come, give us a full measure of discernment that we may recognize the truth and follow it to the end. Please, Lord, increase this discernment in us as we approach the day of decision and as we walk in the wilderness of wrong choices.

And as You give us eyes to see, give us also the courage to stand for the truth regardless of what may come, regardless of the consequences that may be ahead for us. Remind us that You are with us and that at the same time, You are seated on the throne. Your sovereign purpose prevails in the midst of uncertainty. Nothing happens that surprises You. You have the reigns in your hands and I trust that You will conduct us to a place of greater good for the sake of your perfect will.

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