
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Humble Heart is a Self-Controlled Heart

As I received news that I was neither expecting nor wishing for today I thought about self-control again. Even though I have yet not fully digested my new reality, I am once again reminded that when God calls, He enables. He has called me to go through an experience less than desirable, but He has been preparing me for this for a long while now. He has and continues to equip me to deal with what’s to come and one of the tools he has equipped me with is the ability to see His light in the midst of darkness…Praise the Lord!

That ability to see His blessed Light in my dark valley is allowing me a measure of peace that translates into humility which in turn manifests itself as self-control. Feeling the assurance of His presence in me…the mystery that is Christ in me…is really humbling. I am what I am because He is the Great I AM who dwells in me. With Him I can do all that is required of me...apart from Him, I can do nothing. Acknowledging that truth fills the soul with a humility that washes away self and glorifies Him. Once the soul finds humility, there is no room for pride and the heightened sense of self-worth dissolves, leaving the spirit free to rein self in, in the Name of He who reigns over all.

Tonight, I will continue to pray for His guidance and to thank Him for His favor upon me. I will count the blessings and meditate on the humbling experience I am about to embark on. He will show me the way and He will give me what I need to exercise a measure of self-control that will steady my heart, relief my fear and quiet my soul.

Psalm 31:14

But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, "You are my God."

I'm linking with:  Whole Hearted Home

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful post, Gisela. I always love reading what you have to share through your linkups over at WholeHearted Home each Wednesday. See you in the morning.


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