
Monday, July 1, 2013

See Him, Feel Him and Trust His Love

Last night I saw the movie Seven Days in Utopia, and even though I’d seen it before, it wasn’t until last night that I really “saw” it.  That is because God’s timing is paradoxically flawless.  I say paradoxically because, as the word implies, it is seemingly contradictory, but nonetheless true. For example, it is not until I walk through the thickest darkness that I am able to see…
The SFT message of the movie is hardest to grasp when you are coasting through life.  It becomes real, however, while stuck in the valley of shadows.  SFT becomes crucial, more important than the air we breathe, when we find ourselves deep in the pit of despair.  “Seeing His Face,” “Feeling His Presence” and “Trusting His Love” become the life-line of survival when drowning in the rising waters of fear.
No earthly comfort will ever satisfy us and put our souls more at ease than seeing His face, feeling His presence and trusting His love.  All other self-help techniques will dissipate leaving the spirit empty only to be filled back up with anxiety. 
I pray that the Lord will allow me and all who are travelling through life’s dark valleys, the blessing of SFT today.  Let’s seek His face so we can finally see Him.  Let’s sort out all the unfounded fears and cut through our anxieties so we can finally feel the mystery that is Christ in us and let’s be still and know/trust that He is the God who Loves us, and will never let go.
Like the main character in the movie, let’s play the best game of our lives today, regardless of whether we make the hole or not.  That’s not the important thing.  What matters is how we play…SFT.

1 comment:

  1. Praying that you feel His presence in whatever valleys you go through, Gisela. Trust that He IS the source of our comfort, and He will not let us down.


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