
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Am I Ready for Christmas? Well... it depends...

It is December 23rd...
I'm pretty much all done with the shopping and I have watched most of our Christmas movie collection, but I have no cookies baked, nothing is wrapped, I didn't send any Christmas cards, and there is no snow falling...

Am I ready for Christmas?  I guess it depends...

I'm home with my kids, husband and dog, still wearing my pjs at 10 a.m.  I like that...but I have work to do for a class I'm teaching online and I'm trying a different menu for our Christmas-season meals which could go either way.  I'm chilling, but I'm stressed out at the same time.  How is that even possible?

Am I focusing on all the wrong things?  Perhaps...

Far away, in Panama, my sister is distributing gifts to underprivileged children in our hometown, but here, I'm over-stuffing my own kids', already fully-stuffed stockings... Outside the weather looks just yuky.  I don't like rain at Christmas.  Never had it while I was growing up in Panama...don't like it when it happens here.  It's supposed to be snowing! C'mon!

How inconvenient!

Wow, am I spoiled, or what?


One quick glance at that very first Christmas reveals how through all the greatests inconveniences: pregnant without biological explanation, trekking to an out-of-the-way-good-for-nothing-tiny-town, no room at the Inn, facing early labor, and having to give birth at a stable assisted by a husband who is still wondering what in the world is going on, surrounded by cows and sheep, greeted by outcasts...lit by a star...and I get slapped back into reality.  Inconveniences are the roadmap to the fulfillment of God's will.

Am I ready for Christmas?  I am getting there.  I'm getting ready to receive the greatest gift ever given...and not all the cookies, snow, shopping, cooking, jobs, inadequacies, disappointments in the world can compare to the joy of the Christ born.

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