
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Ready or Not...Christmas Came and Went...

Wrapping up the Christmas Season at Phipps Conservatory in of our favorite places to marvel at the cheer of the moment.

I can't believe today is already December 28th.  I woke up this morning and the entire Christmas season seemed just like a foggy memory of something I saw in a movie a long time ago.

It  always goes by so fast...I try to grasp it as it moves along, but I can't help feeling it just slips by...I try to tighten my grip on it, but Christmas always seems to drain through my fingers, leaving me empty and blue...


I climbed out of bed, and decided to organized my Christmas season pictures into one folder in my computer, as to capture it for a little longer.  The process was surprisingly cathartic.  A spark of joy was ignited in my heart as I filled the new folder called Navidad 17 with priceless pictures that bring back to life the memories we made this year.  From our traditional visit to Kraynak's after Thanksgiving to our trip to Pittsburgh right after Christmas, the file is full of wonderful gifts that the Lord gave us this year.

While transferring photos from my phone to my laptop, the Lord gave me a chance to re-live the season so I would realize it hadn't slipped through my fingers after all.  He also gave me another chance to remember that the season is not about what we do.  Christmas is the celebration of an event that changed history.  God becoming flesh with the purpose of saving His creatures from eternal damnation and the added bonus of having Him dwell in His children as a Helper and Guide while still walking through this valley of tears and sorrow.

Emmanuel, God with Us... the presence of the Living God in us... That is a truth that cannot be altered regardless of how fast time moves or how distracted we are.

Baby Jesus is finally born.  In our home, we leave Baby Jesus out
until Christmas morning.  The kids have to find Him.  Whoever
finds Him, places Him in the Stable and then starts distributing
the presents.
Thank you, Lord, for another Christmas.  Thank you for another opportunity to celebrate your presence and the gift that You are.

The wonder of Christmas Morning.
Christmas with the Dieters is always fun!

I love this little tree and the items around it.  The horse and the chair were made by Dan's paternal Grandfather a long time ago.  The wooden box where it stands is from the factory where his maternal Grandfather worked for many decades.  The "Santa Stops Here" sign is a present from Rosa.
Grant made Mama proud many times this season!

Our traditional visit to the Kraynak's Christmas display...the boys felt too old for this this year, but they didn't want to give it up just yet...Praise the Lord for that!

Wonderful Church Moments!

We saw Dylan's first trumpet performance!

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