
Friday, August 3, 2018

Speak Life - Part 1

I don't know about you, but in my life, there is a great paradox in play:  the people I love the most are the ones I hurt the most.

I have a lot of patience and kindness for strangers.  For my sons? Not so much...and I don't know why that is...sigh...

As I continue to meditate on God's love for us and how, as His children, we have no reason to feel unloved, unlovable, unwanted, inadequate, insufficient...etc., etc., etc., I'm hearing the Holy Spirit prompting me to also take a look at the way I love others...starting with my very own beloved.

I'm thinking I need to device or hear the Holy Spirit guidance, rather, on practical ways to love others well.  The first step, I believe, at least in my case is, to improve the way I show/demonstrate my love for them.

Looking at my daily life, I have to admit that the person that I lose it with the most is my younger son Dylan.  There are days in which I only communicate with him in screams and grunts.  That needs to change.  Regardless of how infuriating the things Dylan does are, I must not let his behavior dictate the way I show him that I love him.  Therefore, the first step here is to pray for the fruit of self-control to become evident in me, please!

Self-control of my own tongue would be a good sign that I'm going in the right direction toward my goal of showing my love well to those around me.  Boy, is that difficult, though?

I'm going to stop right here now, because I don't want to take this lightly.  I need to find some Scripture that will show me truth and pray for guidance and a strategy.  So, I'll see you soon.  Let me know if controlling your tongue is something you too, wrestle with...I'll feel better knowing I'm not the only one :(

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