
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Who Can Tame the Untamable? has taken me many days to get back to my meditations on how to exercise self-control, particularly of the tongue in order to begin a journey of loving others well.  The reason it has taken me so long is because I cannot figure out or find any convincing "5-EASY-Steps" program to achieve such a feat.  Trying to tame the tongue seems to me like trying to tame the sea. 

I mean, really...

This summer, we had the glorious blessing to be able to spend the most part of a week at a beach resort.  That is exactly my kind of vacation.  If anybody ever asks me about my happy place, I would inevitably reply anything oceanfront!  At any rate, it was perfect!  The only thing was that the darn red flag was up every day we were there.  The waves were way too rough and life guards didn't want to risk it.  This was in Panama, though, so, rules are more like...what shall I say...a suggestion.  Therefore, some people disregarded the red flag and ventured into the water all the least for a little while...until the ocean convinced them it was too much.  One of those few people was me...and my family...yeah, I know. 


I thought I was so clever.  I thought I could outsmart the waves.  I thought I could figure out a way to control me not getting overpowered by the undertow.  I kept a watchful eye on the horizon so I could spot the waves even before they'd form and then I would get ready with a strategy:  either ride it or out-run it.  The thing with the ocean, you see, is that it is wildly unpredictable.  The thing with me is, that I'm careless and I get distracted easily.  Then, as it happened, I was carelessly distracted for a second, and when I looked to my left, I saw Grant getting ready for a hit as he said:  "Oh no!"  (see, when Grant says "Oh no..." you better prepare for the worst.)  And the worst it was... I took one look at the wave approaching and I knew, neither of my strategies was going to work.  But I tried to run anyway (I like to go down fighting)...but my legs couldn't move, so down I went.

Down and upside-down!  There was so much force in that wave that I felt my body being tossed and turn like a leave in the wind.  I actually think I saw the tunnel with the light at the end...

Anyway, I lost my sunglasses (see, I was so cocky I could conquer the waves, that I even had my sunglasses still on when I got in the water), and I had so much sand in my hair, I think I still find some today, almost two months after this incident.

After that, with legs full of cuts and bruises, and a sprained ankle, I decided I was going to pay closer attention to the meaning of that red flag on the beach.

It's the same with my efforts to try to control my tongue.  I get cocky.  I think I've got it under control.  I think I can see it coming so I can trigger my tongue-taming-techniques to smoothly navigate the situation.  I ignore the red flag that indicates/warns how the tongue is out of my jurisdiction.  And in less than a second of carelessness and distraction, I'm eating buckets-full of sand. 


Controlling of the tongue is not my province.  I cannot rely on my own power to tame this wild beast!

James has really harsh words to say about the tongue in Chapter 3.  Reading the passages contained in verses 1-12 makes me shudder.  He uses a different analogy, but just as devastating to refer to the tongue: 

Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

These surely are sobering words.  And he continues by reiterating the futility of trying to tame such fire:  

7 All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

So, what hope could I ever have to one day being able to keep my tongue under control?  

Well, just like all hope, we get it from the Source!  Hope is not a feeling or wishful thinking.  It does not spring from self-determination and resolve. Hope is a Person, and we go to Him, the Source of all Hope! (Romans 15: 13)

What we are dealing with here, self-control, love, patience, etc. is all part of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23) and those are not grown by our own power, but by the work of the Holy Spirit Himself!  Just as I could not control the rough waves at that awesome beach a couple of months ago or EVER, I will never be able to mature the Fruit of the Spirit on my own.  I will never be able to love others in such a perfect way as to control what comes out of my mouth at all times unless the Holy Spirit finishes His work in me...which may or may not happen on this side of the sea.

So what do I do, then?  I trust.  I pray.  I trust that His Grace is sufficient and that it covers a multitude of sins.  I pray that the Holy Spirit will mature His Fruit in me so I can be made whole in the image of Christ.  I continue to be intentional as to how I speak to others, particularly to those whom I love the most.  I continue to watch myself.  And when I get caught in the undertow, I let go and find peace in the truth that His loving arms will rescue me...and tend to my bruises and cuts so I can try again...ever more mindful of that red flag that says, be careful: 

The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.
Proverbs 15: 4

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