
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: The Door

19 Now Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd. 20 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.”

21 He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.” Luke 8: 19-21

Today's passage offers a rather strange slice in the life of Jesus.  I mean, what might be the point of this scene?  Why is it in Scripture?  It seems like such a mundane and unimportant incident that one might perceive it as superfluous.  The Word is a Powerful entity, though, and always has a purpose: word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.  Isaiah 55: 11

So, this paragraph is anything but insignificant.  Picture the scene, Jesus' closest kin pressing to see Him, His Mother among them...but Jesus dismisses them and doesn't do anything to grant them access to Him.  Why not?  Some commentaries say that it was because Jesus' relatives wanted Him to take a break from Ministry.  I'm sure if that's the case, at least Mary was probably truly worried about Jesus and wanted to protect Him.  She might have thought Jesus was rather spent and needed to rest for a while.  I can see that.  A Mother's instinct is to nurture and preserve the well-being of her children, regardless of how old they might be.  I don't see any ill-intention on the part of Mary.  Jesus, however, could see right through whatever the motives were, and it is obvious that He chose to use the occasion as a teaching moment that has implications all the way to us, centuries later.

“My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.” 

For us, Jesus' words are precious.  He is opening the door of His Royal Family to us!  He is calling us family, us, His followers who hear God's word and put it into practice regardless of birth.  What a marvelous revelation!

I wonder, however, how did Mary feel?

As a Mother, there is little else that hurts more than having one's children disown us in any way.  I think of my own kids, and I remember how hurt I am every time that they express, perhaps not with words, but with actions, that they are a bit embarrassed of me.  Dylan does that to me more often than I would care to admit, and every time it feels like a dagger into my heart.  Even if he doesn't truly mean it 100%, I can't help feeling the deep hurt.  So, I wonder if Mary felt that same sting that day?

I don't think Jesus' intention was to offend His earthly Mother, not at all.  He is just making sure that everyone knows that there aren't any favoritisms in the Kingdom of God.  Nobody has a higher ranking.  There is nothing we can do that would earn us a place in Heaven.  It is all about Him.  He is the One at the door, and He is the One who knocks.  But, paradoxically, He is also the Door.  And, whoever must enter, will enter because He open Himself up, with arms stretched out on the cross.

May the Holy Spirit guide us through the mysteries of God and lead us to enter through His Holy Door.  In Christ's precious name.  Amen!

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