
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: Missions

Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, 2 and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, 3 and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means. Luke 8: 1-3

Moving on to chapter 8 in the Gospel according to Luke, verses 1-3, we don't see a record of Jesus words to women, but we do see a record of how women accompanied Jesus as part of His followers.  In addition to the 12 disciples, there is a list of women who walked with Him.  Luke, who penned this Gospel, found it important enough that he, not only mentioned the fact that there were women followers, but he mentioned some by name!  We see Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna.  

These women had experienced the healing power of Jesus, and, I believe, just couldn't stay away from Him.  Therefore, I think, as a sign of their gratitude and love, they left everything behind and offered their care and material provision to Christ as part of His entourage. 

These women gave, out of their means, and travel alongside the disciples.  This makes me think of missionaries, who set aside their own personal pursuits to dedicate their lives and means to the service of God's Kingdom.  In this case, these group of women had been personally impacted by the healing power of Christ, so that might have been their first motivation to surrender their lives.  But, as I imagine, I bet it took them only a little while to forget about any previous aspirations and see no other possible life, but the life of a full-time follower of Jesus.  

That's what I imagine happens to most missionaries when they hear the call to serve.  We have a nephew in Dan's family who is about to leave for the Philippines in a couple of days to stay for one year as a missionary.  He went on a short trip last year, almost as if by chance...and he couldn't resist the call to return, this time for a longer period.  Those of us who have not received such a call, at times, struggle to understand.  But, reading about these women today, reminds me of the irresistible nature of God.  Look at Joanna, in this passage.  She was the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager!  I bet that was an important position not only of great responsibility, but of great privilege as well...and she left that life to walk the dusty roads with Jesus.  I wonder what happened to Chuza?  He is not mentioned as a I wonder if she just left him after she found herself unequally yoked to an unbeliever??

Whatever her reasons, she couldn't stay away from her calling to serve The Lord, just as our nephew couldn't either.  But it is not just missionaries who leave their lives behind, the only ones called to serve.  We are all called to serve, one way or another.  We are all called to use our gifts, whatever they may be, for the service of God's Kingdom...wherever we may be:  at our workplace, at our schools, at our homes, at our churches, at our local grocery store... The irresistible call of God finds us wherever we are, to do whatever He requires of us.  Now... the question is:  do we hear it? and furthermore, are we willing to answer it?


May the Holy Spirit reveal to us the pathway to our calling and the strength to follow it.  Also, may He be with those who have been called to serve in a mission field far, far away, as they leave their previous lives behind. Amen!

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