
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: In the Will of My Lord!

“Woman,why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” John 2: 4

Yep, I did it again.  I nagged.  Well...maybe, perhaps, I did a bit more than that... I yelled.  I diminished.  I bossed around. I pushed. 

Yes...I wanted my will to be done, and no one cared enough to do it, so I exerted my authority...or, according to those who witnessed it: I dictated my demands in a disrespectful manner that caused much disturbance among those present.

Urgh!: expression of annoyance.  
Argh!: expression of frustration and anger

Sigh...the sound I make when my over-inflated-ego pops...

I know.  I know... I'm very demanding, and the men around me resist and reject my demanding attitude because they interpret it as disrespectful.  There is something about men not liking it when women tell them what to do... hmmm...

Even if it is for their own good, often, men just refuse to do it...just because they can.  They want to prove that they are not subjects to some hysterical woman's whim.  They want to show that they are still in charge of their own wills, and that they are not puppy dogs that jump when they are told to do so.  (I mean, I don't know what your puppy dogs are like, but mine doesn't listen to me either!)

I know...I know... I'm ranting.  And, no, I'm not doing a male-bashing venting session...though, it sure sounds like's just that in reading the words that Jesus spoke to His Mother in this passage, it was as if I could hear one of the guys that live with me saying those words.  You know what I mean?  Let's read it again:  

“Woman,why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” John 2: 4

That could very well be uttered by anyone in my household:

Dan:  "Woman, why do you want me to do that now?"

Dylan:  "Woman, you are nuts if you think I'm going to stop my videogame to do that now? What's in it for me?"

Grant:  "Woman, one second..." (he is the most diplomatic about it.  Grant makes me believe that he is going to do it.  However, the "one second" deal, could last days).

Link:  "Woof, woof, woof" (translation: not in your wildest dreams.  Give me some food!)

Everything is always in their own time.  AND. IT. DRIVES. ME. CRAZY!

I said it...

I don't like it when things are not done according to MY timing.  I have no patience.  Therefore, I dictate and become frustrated because nobody listens to a bossy, hysterical woman.  But the more I scream, the less they listen.  But, rather than breaking the chain, I become even more hysterical, perpetuating the cycle.  I'm exhausted...

The thing is, I not only play this crazy game at home.  I also try to dictate to God too.  Like Mary, I like to "bring things to His attention" so He can notice and take care of if He didn't know it all already!  And, adding to the issue, I want it NOW! He, however, has a timing that is different from mine and so are His ways too:  

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55: 8-9

It is not about what I want, when I want it or how I want it.  It is about trusting that He is here.  He knows me and what I need.  He provides.  His will is perfect and so is His timing.  Therefore:

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Psalm 27: 14

I know I will continue to err on the side of making harsh demands of those I love.  I know I will continue to insist on my timing.  I just pray that this is less and less every day.  And that soon, I can be free from the chains of my own will, and at peace in the will of My Lord!  Amen!

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