
Friday, February 22, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: Witnessing Again!

His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2: 5

After the rant from last time, I'm back looking at the next verse in this most intriguing passage of Scripture.  Here, we see Mary again.  But there are a couple of interesting things about this verse.  First, notice, the writer doesn't state her name.  I wonder why not?

I bet it has to do with the fact that it is important to de-emphasize her status as a main character in this event.  It would be very easy to make Mary a more important player than she really is.  Do you know what I mean?  We could see her as the power behind the throne, and I don't believe that is the point of this account.

Mary, as the Mother of Jesus does have a very significant role to play.  And I do see in the events around this miracle, the fact that perhaps Mary, as having raised Jesus and being with Him all these years, had a very good indication of the things that He is capable of doing.  I mean, look at the exchange between Jesus and Mary again:

Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” 
4“Woman,why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” 
5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2: 3-5

She comes to Him about the lack of wine.  Why?  Because she knows He can do something about it.

He tells her, "Ay caramba!" "It's not time yet!"  Why?  Even though Mary's words are only, seemingly just for information's sake: "Guess what? They ran out of wine!"...or an indirect request, at best: "so..." Jesus' reply implies an admission that He knows what she wants Him to come? Because she might have witnessed something that cued her in the reaches of His Power...besides the fact that she got a messenger from God to announce His miraculous birth and all...

Therefore, I have a tendency to believe that Mary was significantly aware of the Power of her Son.  However, I don't believe that Jesus just does whatever Mary tells Him to do.  She might be His earthly Mother, and as the Good Son He is, He respects her.  But He is also her God and Deliverer.  So, it would be a mistake to think that Mary's power was that far reaching as to command Jesus.  I think that's the reason He gave her a respectful, but firm reply contained in the word:  "Woman!"

I have no doubt that the whole event was carefully designed by God's plan.  The scene:  a wedding: the most perfect representation of the union between Christ and His Church.  The element:  wine:  the symbol of the Redeeming Blood of None other than Jesus Himself.  The circumstance:  lacking: hence Jesus being the One who provides the perfect wine, as a foreshadow of His Most Perfect Sacrifice: the Provision of His Blood on the Cross.

Mary just happens to be a happy witness to this entire orchestration.  But boy...what a blessed witness!  To be there, at this most remarkable moment:  the moment Jesus performs His first public miracle.  Praised be His Holy Name!  Let's savor this for a minute before we continue exploring this exchange.

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