
Friday, February 22, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: Redirecting the Spotlight

His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2: 5

Back to verse 5 of John's chapter 2, the second thing I find very telling, and that relates directly to the ideas expressed earlier is Mary's words/actions:  after Jesus tells her His famous reply: “Woman,why do you involve me?” ... “My hour has not yet come.” what does she do?  She addresses the servants and tells them to do whatever Jesus tells them to do.

Say what???!!!

I don't want to be irreverent here, but as a Mother of boys, this is almost comical.  The way I see this scene in my mind looks something like, here's Jesus "Come on, Mom...don't get me involved in this!" But then, she's like, turned around, perhaps not brushing Him off literally, but...can't you just see it? Her brushing Him off, I mean?  Can't you?  I sure can!  I've done it quite a bit with my sons: 

Me:       the floor needs to be cleaned.

Dylan:   I can't do it right now, I'm really busy.

Me:        Here's the broom.

Of course, I'm not nearly as delicate as Mary ever was.  I have yet to master the intricacies of indirect, polite requests.  But...anyway...I know, how dare I? right?  But, I can't help but see it:  Mary just got told by Jesus that He is not to be involved in this situation because His hour is not yet.  Then, what does Mary do?  She tells the servants to listen to what Jesus is going to tell them.  You decide.

But the point is not whether Mary brushed off Jesus or not.  The point is, Mary does something quite remarkable here:  she redirects the spotlight to Him. 

Whatever glory she might get for this event, she, quickly makes sure to place back on Jesus.  She points to Him as the One who will ultimately carry out the actions.  She removes herself from the stage, and shines all the light On Him.  She gives the show back to Him.

I love it!

I think of myself and how often I have wanted to taste the glory so badly, that I have forgotten I am not the One whose power is responsible for the outcome.  I'm merely the channel at best, often, just one tiny stepping stone.  So many times I've failed to redirect the spotlight, just because of how warm and exhilarating it feels to be directly standing in it...sigh...

Mary gives us an example of humility worth emulating.  I believe that's her role here: to show us how to point to Christ.

Holy Spirit, may we learn how to disappear as You Appear so others can clearly see that the glory belongs to You, and You alone! Amen!

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