
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: And Women Speak to Jesus too!

9 Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. John 4: 9

Have you ever been asked for a favor just out of the blue?  It kind of catches you by surprise, doesn't it? And what really might throw us off balance is if the request comes from someone completely unexpected...someone we never thought would ever ask us for anything ever...

That's kind of the situation here, but like a million times more intense.  We have talked about the hatred and disdain Jews felt for Samaritans.  Add to that, the fact that she is a woman and Jesus is, for all purposes, a Rabbi.  Teachers of the law, Rabbis, didn't talk to their own wives in public, let alone a Samaritan woman, let alone, an ill-reputed Samaritan woman.  On top of that, He is asking her for water to drink.  This implies, she will have to hand Him the water in her own container, hence the question later about Him not having anything to draw water with.  She knew she was not ceremonially clean, how would He receive anything from her??? How would He drink that water drawn by her using her own jar??? Jesus was intentionally breaking like a bunch or rules here.  Isn't He the BEST!?

I'm sure, the last thing in this woman's mind was that Jesus would actually speak to her.  I bet she was surprised He didn't just get up and leave at the sight of her.  Not only did He not move, but He addressed her!  And...she spoke back at Him!  She was not a shy desert flower, no way.  She questions Him.  She's like, "wait, what?  Don't you know how things work around here, Mr?"

Being the opinionated, loud-mouth woman that I often am, this moment gives me hope.

Had she been timid, she probably would have turned around and waited until this strange man was gone.  She didn't.  She stood her ground and began a toe-to-toe conversation with the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Rather than avoiding the encounter, she came to the well and met the Stranger, listened to His request and embarked in a life-changing adventure completely outside of the realm of what she could have considered possible up until that very moment.  Such are the ways of Our Lord!

By talking to her, Jesus elevated her position as He dissolved the traces of division between Jews and non-Jews, man and woman, sinner and Saint.  This is a beautiful illustration of how little it matters who one is, one's status, gender, place of origin or background...Jesus speaks to us all the same.  He places His requests on us all.  He engages all of us in spiritual conversations that lead us to dwelling at His feet, covered by His Mighty Shadow!

Blessed is the one who faces the challenge of divine encounters!  Though scary, confusing and intense, it is in those encounters when we get to see the Face of Jesus!  We might be nervous about His requests...however, surrendering ourselves to Christ when He speaks to us is the key to living in His presence for now and for eternity. Amen!

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