
Monday, March 11, 2019

Jesus Speaks to Women: The Humility of Jesus

7 A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” 8 For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. John 4: 7-8

Before we continue with the story, let's linger a little longer on these couple of verses and fix our eyes on Jesus.  The King of Glory.  The One Who Commands the winds and the waves.  The One Who feeds fields full of thousands of people.  The One Who only has to say the Word and all is created...sitting by a well in a foreign land in the heat of the noon hour, tired, thirsty and hungry...

His disciples went into town to fetch some food.  He is reclining His achy body by the well.  And now, this woman shows up and the first thing He does when she approaches is to ask her for a drink.  This scenes places not only the humanity, but also the humility of Jesus in full display!

Reading about this passage in Jon Courson's Commentary I'm taken by his words:

"You'll never once see Jesus perform a miracle solely to satisfy His own need, desire, or hunger."

Selfless and Humble is Our Lord!  He provides the most perfect example of humanity at its best, an example so very hard to follow... In this age of selfish ambition, the ME generation concerns itself with nothing other than self.  Just look at the proliferation of "selfies."  What are selfies but the visual representation of what is important to us?  Never before have we had a device that allows the full indulgence of our self-absorption as of now:  the cell phone.  Even Frida Kahlo, the Queen of Selfies, couldn't match the current ability to proliferate the self-portrait.  (Although... had she had a smartphone, the story would be different).  

My point is: it is SO hard for us to remain selfless and humble in today's world...

Following Jesus example becomes increasingly difficult and challenging.  How can we break the chain that enslaves us to ourselves?  How can we switch our cell phone camera so it looks outwards rather than focusing on our face?  How can we break the fascination with our own image? 

I don't know...

The cultural current that pulls us is very strong.  Its force drags us and leaves us weak to fight it.  The waters are rising, and it might drown us.  Soon, the whirlpool will swirl us out of control until we can't breathe and we are no more...

Only the Strong Arm of Jesus can pull us out.  Our weakness showcases His Power.  He is in control.  Therefore, I must believe that the hour of His rescue is upon us.  The moment of His Glory is near, for we are certainly nearing the bottom of the sea...

Let's take one long look at Jesus, sitting there...and let's look at Him again.  Before we move on with our day, why don't we take a minute to come to the well, sit by Him, and just dwell in His presence for a while.  In the stillness of the moment, let's forget about our lives and remember we belong to Him and He Alone is worthy of our worship and of our time.  He is there, let's just hang out with Him for a while...

May Jesus' strength showcased in His humility and restrain deliver us from ourselves and place us in His presence without delay!  Amen!

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