
Thursday, June 27, 2019

As Iron Sharpens Iron...

"The Hulk is still a hero!"  These words implanted in my psyche yesterday as I read a reply one of my dearest sister in Christ and role model sent me in response to my post about being a Mommy Hulk...

She added:  "He still does good and wins victories!  He isn't what he wants to be, but no one is..."

I didn't know what to say.  I was so moved by her words, I became speechless.  I just wanted to soak in the healing waters of that thought for as long as possible and let its wisdom filter through my insecurities all the way to my soul. 

It was as if God, Himself, had commanded my friend Kim to write me that message, for it was exactly what I needed.  Perhaps, that's exactly what happened.  After all, God knows what He is doing and He reigns over the heavens and the earth!  But, my point is, Kim knew I needed words of encouragement and she acted upon that knowledge.  She realized that, even though she knows I know the truth, I needed support.  No doubt, prompted by the Holy Spirit, she took to action in solidarity with a Mom who is still struggling with the uncertainty of her own inadequacy.  As a more experienced Mother, Kim was able to look at my situation from a different perspective to offer a lifeline so I wouldn't sink and drown in my own self-pity. 

I believe that's what Proverb 27: 17 means when it says:

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

In Mommy-world, it reads:  "as iron sharpens iron, so one Mom sharpens another in order to survive motherhood and see your children live to become adults!"  The wisdom of experience and the experience gained as one Mom walks ahead of another one in the long and rocky road of motherhood are not to be kept private and secret.  Sharing the tests, anxiety, fears, concerns, panic, exhilaration, love, joy and all the other rollercoaster of emotions we feel as Mothers at a personal level could become another Mother's reason to hang on!

Therefore, in our desperation to succeed at this God-given mission, let's not forget the importance of surrounding ourselves with a group of Mommy-sisters in Christ that can help us win victories in the war we are fighting on.  Let's put on the Armor of God (Ephesians 6: 10-18) and let's lock arms.  Together, armed by the power of the Living God, we will win victories.  Even the Hulk does too, right? (Hey, there are instances when God uses those with the ability to smash :) 

We are not what we want to be, but who is? The call is not to be perfect on our own, but to show up as we are, and trust that God will do the rest.  The times we live in are not easy-peasy.  The battle is real and the heart must not be faint.  So, let's bring what we've got to the fight for our kids and see the Lord do His thing through us.  After all, we have already won because He who leads us is Victorious and we have Victory in Him!  I say, then, let's power up...even if it means to turn green once in a while :) 

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