
Friday, June 28, 2019

Mommy-Hulk ... MomStrong

"MomStrong" soon as I saw that term, I was intrigued...

I was browsing titles of Bible studies and books specifically written for Mothers, so when I saw the title Becoming MomStrong, by Heidi St. John I felt drawn to that one.  So I got it.  I haven't read much yet (I have to admit, I'm currently obsessed with Vannetta Chapman's trilogy The Remnant! but I'm already wrapping up book three, so I'll be able to focus on this soon :) What I've read, however, seems very promising.  This is why I've decided to write my meditations and thoughts about this book as I go along with a small group of Moms who, like me, are seeking ways to be what the Lord has designed us to be...which we are still trying to figure out what it is, exactly...but anyway...I hope this is a productive journey that moves us closer to Christ as we walk on the road of Motherhood.

Before anything, however, I've got to get a better sense for what the term "MomStrong" truly means.  My first instinct is to see it as a rather fluid concept, since strength varies from person to person.  However, I have a feeling I might be wrong...

In the few pages I have read so far, the author hasn't really offered a definition of MomStrong.  So, I'm still intrigued, and wondering if there's a formula or something to figure it out.  Secretly, (another confession moment warning) I'm hoping it validates my Mommy-Hulk tendencies :)  You know?  Strong...who's the strongest Avenger, after all?  Yep!  The Hulk! :)  Anyway, I digress...

After pausing long enough to hear the thoughts bouncing in my head, however, I start to realize the strength that Heidi St. John is referring to in her book, does not reside in our ability to smash or anything like that.  I believe, what she is trying to say is that the Mom who is strong, is the Mom, who in her weakness, knows that her strength comes from the Lord, and Him alone. (Psalm 118: 14)

I believe, that what we will encounter in this book, is the affirmation that we don't need to do Motherhood on our own, simply because we can't.  Like St. John says:  "coming to terms with weakness is liberating."  Yes, it's very liberating because it frees us from the burden of believing the lie that we have to accomplish the mission of Motherhood by our own strength and power. 

She goes on to say that when we finally admit we can't do it on our own, and look to Jesus, we become free from the past, from the tyranny of other people's expectations, from worry, and free to love and to grow. (p xvi) 

I'd add, that we become free from our own, self-constructed expectations too.  Often, as it happens in my case, the biggest burden is the one I place on my own shoulders myself.  Therefore, admitting that I am truly not superwoman...takes that crushing weight off my back so I can stand up on the Solid Rock!

"God has already given us the blueprint for becoming MomStrong," St. John says, "that blueprint is found in the Bible."  So, the first step to becoming, whatever it is MomStrong means, begins by opening Scriptures and making the Word of God our sure foundation.

Maybe reading this book will help me get rid of the green-angry monster I carry inside...or maybe it will help me embrace the hero that also resides in me...Maybe I can stop being Mommy-Hulk and become MomStrong...I don't know, but one thing I'm sure of:  anything that moves me to have a Bible-centered worldview in Motherhood has to be a plus!  So, maybe we can embark on this journey together, and see where it takes us.  Guided by the Holy Spirit, I trust the sailing will be smooth until we find our safe haven. 

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