
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Always with Us

Hanging on to God's promises is one of the things we can do when we need encouragement.  And, out of all His promises, the one that brings me the most comfort is the assurance of His presence.  I mean, think about it: what are we to fear if God is with us?  Nothing!

Today, in Sunday school we talked to the kids about the "champions" of the Bible and how God used these champions to remind His people that He is always with them.  We talked about Samson and how his presence made the people of God feel protected.  Samson, however, like every other Bible character, was deeply flawed and his job was mostly to point to Jesus, the ultimate Champion!  The Perfect Champion, whose presence is the Only thing we need to be saved and to be sustained, Jesus is with us always! 

Why do we still fear, though?  Well...perhaps it is because fear is part of courage.  If we are not a bit afraid, we would not seek refuge in Our Great God.  We would think we can do all things in us and in our strength.  If we don't feel the shivers of dread, we might lean on our self-sufficiency...and forget about He who is Our Rock!

The problem, however, is when fear paralyzes us.  When fear makes us dismay...and causes us to lose faith and hope...that's when it becomes dangerous.  When fear overcomes us and rules us...leaving no room for the truth of God's love and compassion...that's when we fall into the trap of the enemy.  Knowing His promises, and the fact that they are true will help us stay afloat in the midst of our seasons of worry.  That's why I'm clinging to His Word that reveals His promises...That's why today, my encouraging verse is Isaiah 41: 10

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41: 10)

Please Lord, don't let me forget your promises, especially those that remind me that You are with me always.  Please make Your presence evident in our lives that we may have no doubt.  In Christ's Name, amen!

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