
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Heavens Declare His Glory!

Darkness, fog and mist give way to sunshine.  A welcome coolness is in the air, and the colors from the Painter's brush begin to show against the backdrop of blue skies white, puffy clouds.  

Somehow, the overwhelming burden of the day is lifted, and I breathe in the beauty of the afternoon.  The glory of God is revealed in His creation! If we pay attention, the designs of His hand direct us to witness the glory of The Creator!  Let's praise His Holy Name as we admire His craftsmanship reflected in nature.

I'm not much of an outdoor person.  I don't see myself as one with the natural world.  But, when the Spirit calls me to lift up my eyes from whatever is weighing heavily over my head, I am able to contemplate the magnificence of God's creativity.  When the Holy Spirit nudges me to look...I am able to see.  When I obey, I can be in awe of what He has made.  Often, the nudges come through the voice of those around me who pulling me out of my self-absorption, convince me to direct my gaze towards what is in front of me so I might not miss Dylan with the caterpillar, Dan with sunsets, Grant with the Moon.  Other times, during precious moments of sudden awareness, I notice the calling on my own...I open the blinds and invite the magnificent views to come into my heart.

I don't have a count, however, of those instances I've neglected His beauty... but I pray, those are fewer each day.  I trust I become more aware of the speech that pours forth from what His hand has created.  I pray I can let nature sing His glory for my soul to hear. I pray I always remember that...

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19: 1

May we all keep in mind that there's more than what we see on a computer screen, or on a clutter desk, or on a to-do list... a pile of laundry, a dirty house, a sore body, a broken heart are not the end...the days are designed to find Him, to glorify Him and to remember that to Him we belong! Amen.

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