
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Seeking to be in Awe

 Last Saturday was a "moody" day for me.  A bunch of what a friend of mine calls, "first-world-problems" were looming over my head, and time slipped away, leaving me feeling empty and spent.  But, when the evening came, Grant, who typically does not insist or ask for much, did not let go of the thought of going to see a drive-through, Christmas light show in nearby Butler.  He saw it last year with the Youth Group and said it was worth it.  Dan, who knew the line would be extremely long was not thrilled with the idea.  Dylan, the eternal home-body, said he didn't want to go.  Me, the Mama-Hulk, I just wanted a reason to be mad at someone...but...since Grant gently insisted...we went.

In the darkest of nights, the tail lights of a two-mile long line of cars waiting to enter the show made the, otherwise infuriating scene, rather much so, that Dylan thought it was part of the show...anyhoo...slowly we made progress...then, Dan was faced with the decision of paying an extra $20 to get into the "fast lane" or continue onto the "general entrance" lane (an additional 2-hour wait).  While the attendant waited by the car window, we quickly scrambled enough cash so we could get into the "less-slow" line.  It wasn't too long until we realized the wisdom in our investment...we made a left turn into the show, while the general admission line circled around very far in the distance...I guess even that 2-hour wait is better than being stuck in the house during this times of isolation and social distance...

But anyway, as soon as we made that left turn, we began to see the lights.  And much to our surprise (Dan's, Dylan's and mine...since Grant didn't reveal this piece of info ahead of time) we realized that this was more interesting than a simple drive-through light display.  The lights actually blinked at the beat of the music playing on the radio station the attendant had told us to tune into!  At first, we thought it was coincidental (I was still thinking the suggestion to tune into to that frequency on the radio was so we could have some background Christmas music while seeing the lights)...but it was obvious, soon after the first coordinated blinkings, that the whole thing was a thing of wonder!

I have to tell you, I soon forgot about the silly woes of my day and was able to immerse myself in the beauty and magic of the moment.  I loved every twinkling and sparkling blinking at the sound of cheerful tunes, even Christian songs! Slowly we rode along marveling at everything we saw.  I have to admit, I was in awe!

Even Dylan confessed that he was wrong in saying that he didn't want to come, and that he was very happy we forced him into the car.  We drove away feeling warm and fuzzy inside.  I thanked Grant for not giving up on his grumpy family, Dan for putting up with the wait, Dylan for going along with it and God for the opportunity to clear my head as He allowed me to enjoy a moment of awe this Christmas season...

And that's what I want to seek these last few days...I want to seek opportunities to experience a sense of awe in the awareness of the reality of Jesus in my life, here and now.  I want to seek the sense of awe in the knowledge that He is the Emmanuel, God with!  I want to be in awe as I remember that the Christmas lights that surround me point to the fact that the Light of the World entered our realm to stay...and that no matter how dark the night might seem...His Light overcomes it.

May the Holy Spirit reveal in our hearts this Christmas season the awe and wonder of our Lord Jesus, as He is here with us in our now.  In the Precious Name of Our Ever-Present Lord.  Amen! 

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