
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Seeking to See Others the Way God Sees Them

 For the most part of this year I have been facing issues with some people at work. And let me tell you, it has been a great challenge to have any love for them throughout the ordeal.  The whole thing that Jesus said about loving one's enemies...that has not be much possible...not that they are my "enemies."  But, still...loving them in the midst of this conflict has not happened.

I am ashamed and I repent for my lack of love towards those whom I find difficult to love.  But most of all...I want to seek the ability to see others the same way God sees them. The question is:  how do I do that?

I regularly struggle with insecurity.  Often, I find myself sinking into a deep ocean of self-pity, feeling unlovable, wretched, wicked, inadequate, and all around just bad about myself and who I think I am.  When those feelings assault me, I find comfort in the promises of Scripture that remind me who I really am in the eyes of My Heavenly Father.  One of my favorite places to find myself reassured is Psalm 139.  That is where I hear God speaking directly to me, telling me that He knows everything about me...and even so...He loves me...because He made me, and nothing about me is hidden to Him...and even so...He still loves me.

I think, one way to learn how to love others, even when I find it challenging, is to read portions of Scripture like Psalm 139 and remember that every single word from that Psalm is a message spoken from Our Lord not just to me, but to all His children, including those I don't particularly care for.

He searches them too.

He knows them too.

He hems them in behind and before too.

He lays His hands upon them too.

He is with them everywhere, guiding them always too.

He finds them in the depth of the pit and in the darkest of nights too.

He created their inmost beings too.

He made them fearfully and wonderfully too.

He made them in the secret place too.

He sees them too.

And...He loves them too, for not only did God send His Beloved Son to die for me, but for them as well.

I think keeping these truths in mind will help me seek the ability to see others the way God sees them.  I pray I can have the resolve to commit to this task.  In the Precious Name of Christ.  Amen!


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