
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving Journal: Thank You for Jesus

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3: 16

Perhaps, one of the most recognizable and most quoted Bible verse in all Scripture, John 3: 16 is my inspiration for today's thanksgiving post.  I want to thank God for His Love manifested in His plan of salvation for sinners like me...

I want to thank God openly and deeply for a plan of salvation that included sending Jesus to be with walk with dwell in us in the Person of the Holy Spirit and to be our Advocate, Defender and Counselor from here to eternity.

I want to thank God for loving us so, that He decided to give us His One and Only Son.

I want to rest in the assurance of His unfailing Love...a Love so profound that even though we are not deserving...He chose to become the Sacrificial Lamb needed to pay our debt of sin.

I want to thank God for His gift of Grace.  I want to thank God for giving us Jesus.

Like my devotional reading today says: "The best response to this glorious gift is a life steeped in thankfulness...This is the proper stance for a child of God: receiving with thanksgiving." (Jesus Calling  by Sarah Young)

I don't want to take for granted the gift of Your Love, Lord...a Love so perfect that knows no boundaries.  A love so unconditional, that knows no wrong.  A Love so big that knows no dimension.  I rejoice in Your Love and I count myself as a believer in Jesus, praising You for the promise of eternal life.  In Christ's Precious Name.  Amen!

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