
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving Journal: Thank You for the Reminders

 The attitude of Thanksgiving must remain beyond a day dedicated to it.  We all agree on that, right?  How quickly we forget, least I do.  How quickly I revert to my old grumbling ways...where lack of patience and bad temper rule the day.  How quickly I forget the blessings.  How quickly I take for granted His provision.  How quickly I start demanding what I was never promised. How quickly I stop paying attention.  How quickly I disregard His Presence.  


Today, I am thankful, again, for Your reminders, Lord.  I am thankful for your bottomless well of patience.  I am thankful for how You speak to me so I remember to be intentional and to dedicate my energy to thankfulness.  

'"Hallelujahs" are the language of heaven, and they can become the language of your heart," says my devotional reading this morning.  The expression, Hallelujah can be translated as Praise the Lord.  And that should be the language my heart speaks at every moment...

Because of the loving devotion of the LORD we are not consumed, for His mercies never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” Lamentations 3: 22-23

Like my devotional reading continued:

"A life of praise and thankfulness becomes a life filled with miracles.  Instead of trying to be in control, you focus on Me and what I am doing. This is the power of praise: centering your entire being in Me. this is how I created you to live, for I made you in My own image. Enjoy abundant life by overflowing with praise and thankfulness." (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)

Thank You, Lord Jesus for who You are and for setting me aside to be part of Your family.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit in Me and for God the Father's Throne ruling over me...overflowing me with His River of Living Water.  I want to speak the language of Hallelujahs in my heart.  I want to surrender control and focus on You.  I want to activate the power of praise in my life by centering my entire being on You.  May You allow me to walk this way and remain in an attitude of thanksgiving every day.  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!

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