
Friday, December 24, 2021


From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me. Luke 1: 48b-49a

When Mary arrived at her cousin's house, Elizabeth greeted her with a shower of blessings exclaimed in a loud voice.  "Blessed are you among all women," Elizabeth said. (Luke 1: 42-45)  And since then, Mary has been called blessed repeatedly around the world for countless centuries.  Catholics recite the famous Hail Mary prayer on a daily basis.  The rest of Christianity recognizes Mary's blessings as well.  Even in Islam, Mary's name is praised and held in great esteem.  She sure called it, huh?

Regardless of our opinions and believes about Mary, one thing is certain: she knew how to give praise and thanks to Our Great God.

To me, Mary's words in the Magnificat are an example of how to respond to the evidence of God's power, might, designs and love around us. Her words are our words.  We can all speak them, for we too are blessed beyond our imagination.

Even in the face of all the hardship Mary knew would come upon her, she was so filled with the Holy Spirit that she couldn't help but to articulate the blessings and to express thanksgiving for all the Mighty One has done for her...and so can we.  We are blessed for we carry within us the biggest and most unimaginable gift of all: God with us, The Emmanuel in the Person of the Holy Spirit.  Salvation is in us, what more should we need?

I pray that I continue to remember that we are called to,

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

And that in this Christmas Eve, the words of Mary spoken so long ago, be on our lips as a testimony of how blessed we truly are, and of all the great things The Mighty One has done for us.  In Jesus' Precious Name.  Amen!

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