
Thursday, December 23, 2021

He is Mindful of Us

...for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. (Luke 1: 48)

Verse 48 in Luke chapter 1 is a precious statement of acknowledgement of what God has done for each one of His children: He has been mindful of the humble state of His servants...

Who are we that The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Maker of Heaven and Earth is mindful of us?

Who are we that Our Lord, the God Almighty is aware of us and consciously pays attention to us?

Who are we that even though He doesn't need us, He loves us and cares for us?

Mary's statement encapsulates a most profound statement of faith and recognition of our smallness and how the best response to such a realization is to magnify, praise and worship the One Who Is Mindful of us even when we are nothing.

In this season of giving and receiving, may we be ever mindful of how, in our humble state, He loves us still.  May we express our gratitude for Who He Is as we prepare to celebrate the greatest gift of all: Jesus Our Savior coming to us in the flesh...Master becoming Servant...Holy Spirit, help us to never cease to praise You and thank You and worship You for giving us You.  Amen!

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