
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Mary Said

 "And Mary said." Those 3 little words, simple...just part of the flow of the story...but, so relevant.  That's  Luke's plain prelude to the Magnificat on 1: 46 - "She said."  She didn't stay quiet. She didn't keep it in her mind.  She didn't dismiss the words of praise spoken to by her cousin Elizabeth.  Devoid of any false humility, Mary immediately launched into a proclamation aloud.

Young Mary, most likely a teenage girl, manifested how she was overflowing with the Holy Spirit as she put aside inhibitions common to  her age, rank and gender at the time, and used her voice to sing praises of old and anew to Her King, who had chosen her to be the vessel that would bring Jesus to the physical realm.

How willing are we to speak up when the moment calls for a proclamation of faith?

How often our self-c0onsciouness and sense of inadequacy or perceived lack of eloquence keep our mouths shut tightly?

I know I remain silent way too often.  I know I pretend to be humble when in reality what I am is scared. I dismiss the wonder so I don't have to sing the Praise aloud.  

I hope next time the opportunity comes for me to declare all that My Lord and Savior is to me and has done for me, I remember Mary, the teen girl who in spite of her condition, put aside any feelings of fright and boldly declare the glory of God for all generations to see.  May we follow Mary's example and say, Jesus is Lord of Lord and King of Kings.  Amen!

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