
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Magnificat - Mary's Song of Praise

 I grew up Catholic, and in Catholicism, Mary is a very important figure...not just around Christmas.  My Mother was a very devout Catholic and she loved Mary.  Her favorite piece of Scripture, which she had memorized and was basically her go-to-prayer every time she felt the weight of life fall upon her shoulders, was, The Magnificat.  Also known as Mary's Song of Praise or the Canticle of Mary, The Magnificat is Mary's proclamation recorded in Luke 1: 46-55.  These are the words that Mary spoke when she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, right after Elizabeth told her that her own baby had just leaped for joy in her womb when he heard Mary's voice (Luke 1: 44-45)

This is the moment when two Mothers connected at a divine interception.  It is an encounter directed by the Hands of the Almighty for the accomplishing of His Plan of Salvation. It is the tale of two Moms, one old, one young, neither of which had any business having babies had it not been for the miraculous intervention of the One for Whom Nothing is Impossible.

Today is Mother's Day in Panama.  My own Mother has been gone for over 21 years now.  But in her honor, and as we approach the season when we remember the Birth of Our Lord and Savior, I find it very fitting to spend a few days carefully looking at Mary's words in Luke 1: 46-55. There isn't a day that goes by in which I don't recite this Canticle at least once, to Him Who is Him Whom my soul Magnifies...My Magnificat.  I hope my examination of these verses brings you closer to an encounter like those only He can arrange.  Talk to you soon. In the meantime, as always, we remain at His Service, in the Precious Name of Christ.  Amen!

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19: 14

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