
Friday, January 14, 2022

Bringing Down the Rulers

He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. Luke 1: 52

"God's economy is up-side-down," I've heard preachers of the Word say often...kind of like the last-are-first-Theory (Matthew 20:16). The Beatitudes and the whole Sermon on the Mount vividly illustrate the ways of God and how they differ from the ways of humankind (Matthew 5-7).  It does not come as a surprise then, that Mary is expressing a Holy-Spirit-Inspired version of God's design.  She presents a short list of examples on how this topsy-turvy economy works...and it is no surprise that she highlights humility first.  Mary has traditionally been associated with this virtue, so it's natural to picture her here...a humble young woman, poor in status as far as the world is concerned...lifted up by God because of who she is in Him.

And, that's the basis of humility, right?  ...Believing that we are who God says we are, not who the world pushes us to believe we are.  I read in a blog, that biblical humility requires "embracing who you are in Christ over who you are in the flesh. To be biblically humble is to be so free of concern for your own ego that you unreservedly elevate those around you." (Gentle Christian Parenting)

Sigh...I don't know about you...but...I don't think I can count myself among the humble.  My ego gets in the way, making my feet stumble.  The whole "third from first" concept, Pastor Dan was talking about in his sermon the other day...yeah...I have found myself occupying higher spots than third.  Like Dylan said about himself after hearing the sermon:  "I'm third...but also second...and first."  Yep, at least he's honest, AND, at least he was listening, which is HUGE for any rate...the struggle is real.

What is most interesting to me about the definition of humility above is the bit about "embracing who you are in Christ over who you are in the flesh."  Actually, I never thought of that part being such a significant aspect of humility.  And that might just be the key.  That might just be the reason why my ego keeps trampling my every step in my frustrating pursuit of humility: I don't fully believe and accept...I don't embrace who I am in Christ.  I keep believing that there isn't anything beyond who I am in the flesh.  Isn't that the story of so many of us?  Isn't that the story the enemy wants us to believe?  Isn't that the story that keeps us separated from God, walking parallel ways to the ways of Our Lord?

I am a sinner in the flesh.  That's who I believe myself to be.  All my sense of inadequacy, all my insecurities stem from that belief.  My pride...doesn't want the world to see me the way I see I have prideful reactions to try to compensate for and to try to hide my perceived faults; therefore, my efforts at becoming more humble crumble.  

The problem is...I am only seeing or believing a half-truth.

The full truth is that, yes, I am a sinner in the flesh, but thanks to the Precious Blood of Christ and His Sacrifice on the Cross, in God's upside-down-economy I am forgiven.  His blameless flesh was pierced and sacrifice for the salvation of my sinful flesh.  

The full truth is:

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5: 8

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 1 Peter 2: 24

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3: 16

I am the ruler that needs to be brought down from her throne.  My ideas of who I think I am need to be toppled over to finally give way to the real me to emerge, clothed in the humble garments of a sinner who is aware and conscious of how much she has been forgiven...of how much that forgiveness cost...and of how much I DID NOT deserve it. May the Holy Spirit guide us in our quest for a humble life as we fully embrace who we truly are.  In Jesus Name.  Amen!

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