
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Pride and Idolatry

he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. Luke 1: 51b

What images come to mind when you think of the concept of pride?

In my mind, I tend to associate pride with self-centeredness and self-sufficiency.  The image I see is of a person standing alone...believing they don't need anyone, because needing others is a form of weakness...and weakness is for the birds!

To me, pride is thinking I'm too good to be ways are the best so why should I change them?

At any rate, to me pride is visible.  It's easy to spot.  In my mind, prideful people can't hide their pride because, well...they're proud of it!  

Then...reading this verse from Mary's song caused me to pause a bit.  Starting with this verse, Mary begins a short series of contrasting thoughts that are meant to keep our eyes on the Holiness of God.  Yes, He is loving and great and has done marvelous things for us...but...don't forget He is Holy, and as such, He will scatter those who forget He is the Almighty, and worship idols instead...example #1...the proud.

Pride is a form of idolatry in which the object of worship is self.

And what this verse reminds us is that pride is not always boisterous.  Pride can actually be hidden...usually, under heavy layers of false humility.  Pride can be hidden in our "inmost thoughts."  And that is the pride that often causes many of us to have a rupture in our relationship with Our Lord.  Perhaps, you don't struggle with this kind of pride or any pride at all.  I, however, do.

Deep, in my inner most thoughts, there is pride festering.  The thing with pride is rooted in an all-too-damaging feeling of insecurity.  At least, in my case it is.  My pride springs into the surface when I sense my insecurities might be exposed.  "No, I don't need you to do the dishes, I'll do them."  "No, I don't need you to order dinner out.  I'll whip something up."  "I'll clean the house."  "I'll take care of the kids."  "I don't need you to remind me how awful of a wife, mother and housewife I am...I am acutely aware of it, thank you very much!"

See what I mean?

A blanket of prideful self-sufficiency descends to cover my insecurities...and the problem with that is, that it becomes an idol: "Why do I have to always do everything around here?  Why doesn't anybody EVER help me here??? UHG!"

I'm at the center of it and my issues become my idols.

I really don't know what I'm talking about.  All I know is that reading Luke 1: 51b made me realize that pride is not always visible and easily spotted.  It is possible to carry pride deeply hidden in the dark corners of our minds.  And the trouble with pride is, it takes our eyes off of Christ...and it makes us worship idols of our own making.  

Today, I pray, the Holy Spirit inspires us and guides us in our quest for renewal of our minds, so all that is found in our innermost thoughts are the thoughts of whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—[that we may] think about such things (Philippian 4:8) and leave all pride behind.  In the Precious name of Jesus, the Lord of ALL our Thoughts.  Amen!

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