
Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Deeds of His Mighty Arm

He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; (Luke 1: 51a)

For some reason, Dylan decided he wanted to re-watch the Lord of the Rings movies.  It was a kind of a random request...but hey, I'm a fan, so we started watching over the weekend and finally we wrapped up the trilogy last night.  I have to tell you, I fell in love with the characters all over again.  What can I say, I'm a sucker for Aragorn...and the actor who played this role in the movies did a really good job wielding the King's sword with his strong arm...sigh...

At any rate...these movies and stories are all about power and might.  The epic battle scenes are a delightful show of strength and resolve.  They portray the relentless war between good and evil from the whole, all the way down to the individual.  Swords flash.  Heads roll.  Flesh is slashed. Victory is won.  

Mary's words in the Magnificat took me back to those images in the movies.  When Aragorn, symbolic of Christ as the Righteous King, swings his sword fighting Orcs double his size, I can't help but be reminded of how Jesus has been fighting my battles since before I was even born.  He has, indeed, performed mighty deeds with His arm in my life.  Born to parents in their 40s as a "mistake," I've walked through life on pathways not always paved...but never alone.  His Presence has been with me all along...even if unbeknown to me. His Mighty Arm has performed amazing work on my behalf...many of which I'm not even aware of.  His Sword has won many victories in my name...making me an overcomer, because He has overcome.

Mary is right in including in her song a verse to exult the deeds of God's Mighty Arm.  We need that reminder every time we enter into battle.  It's also good to remember that unlike in J.J.R. Tolkien's work, the author of Lord of the Rings who had to write three separate characters to represent Christ, we have the Real Lord...All in One.  His Name is Jesus, Precious Jesus, The King of Kings.  In His Name we pray.  Amen!

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