
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Peace of His Mercy

His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.  Luke 1: 50

What do I want in this new year?  Well, I want many, many things.  I wand good health for me and my loved ones.  I want Covid-19 to be history.  I want to travel a lot.  But I also want peace.  I want the peace that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  I want to breathe in that peace and exhale thanksgiving.  I want the peace that comes from trusting His provision.  I want the peace that comes from being aware of His presence.  I want the peace that comes from knowing His mercy...His forgiveness.

I want a peace that is unshakable...a peace that remains stable regardless of my circumstances.

One thing that helps me and all who pursue such peace is to remember.  As we remember that the nature of His heart is love, peace overcomes our souls.  

At the core of Mary's Song in Luke chapter 1 we see how this young woman, at the crossroads of her that very moment when she realized her days were about to change forever, and not for the least not by human standards...she remembered.  She took time to remember the nature of God and what He had already done not just for her, but for His children as a whole.  She remembered that He had done great things already.  She hit the pause button in the middle of the whirlwind of her days and remembered that God is merciful and that His mercy extends to those who fear Him...not just to her, but to all, not just now, but always...from generations of old to the present and on and on, from generation to generation without end.

There is such peace in that...there is such peace in knowing we can rest in His mercy.

I imagine Mary, with every word of remembrance and exultation to Our Merciful God, beginning to breathe again.  And the same way, I could too...we could too...find the current of peace sweeping us off our feet as we let go of our cares and dive into the river of His Love, Power, Presence and Mercy.

May the mercies of our Lord fill our hearts with much needed peace...may we remember that they are, indeed, new every morning, and that Great is His Faithfulness forever (Lamentations 3: 22-23).  In the Precious Name of Jesus.  Amen!

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