
Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 The crisp air, the clear, blue sky, the bright sunshine and the brilliant turning leaves all speak of fall...and fall speaks of thanksgiving.  This morning I read a short devotional titled "Happy Thanksgiving" and even though it's not even November yet...I want to acknowledge the fact that every day should be a thanksgiving day.

A spirit of gratitude should be kindled and re-kindled in our hearts regardless of our circumstances.  Like the apostle Paul said in his letter to the Philippians,

In every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7

How hard is this, though?

For worry-ridden people like me...VERY!

However, the more we have a tendency to immerse ourselves in the fear of our situation...the more we need to read and meditate on verses like this.  

To me, what Paul is saying revolves around the idea of thanksgiving as the glue that holds together our relationship with Christ.  Thanksgiving is the prerequisite...prayers and requests need to be presented "with thanksgiving" in order for the gift of peace to be released to guard our hearts and minds in Him who is Peace.  And that is exactly what we really want when we are in the midst of a hard moment: peace...the kind of peace that guards our hearts and minds.  We've probably all been that point when our mind gets away from us and leads our heart to a dark place or vice versa. The antidote for a runaway mind or heart is peace...a peace that others see and go, "how is that possible?"  That's the peace that transcends all understanding and it's the peace that only Jesus can give.

How do we get that peace? 

The key, according to the inspired words of Paul is thanksgiving.  

There is a strong link between an attitude of gratitude and a soul overflowing with peace.  And gratitude is not just in the good times and for the gifts.  Thanksgiving is needed in every situation. It's not that we are thanking God for the horrible things that happen to us.  How can anyone thank God for a terrible crime or utter devastation? Impossible! I believe the attitude of thanksgiving comes from a knowledge and a certainty that in that unthinkable case, God is with us.  It is the attitude that allows us to recognize the unfathomable as an opportunity to trust Him and thank Him for His presence and for the closeness that ensues.  The Lord is, indeed, close to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34: 18) doubt about it, and for that we give thanks. 

In those moments of hardship and suffering...may the Spirit of the Most High God grant us the ability to experience the gratitude that expresses our trust in His promise of peace and presence.  May we be assured that as we do this, You will guard our hearts and minds in the safety of your hand.  In the Precious Name of Jesus Our Prince of Peace.  Amen!

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