
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Worries and Fear-The Enemies of Peace

Anxiety is a condition that has appeared in my life as a constant companion since I was very young.  I attribute it to genetics since I come from a family that tends to overreact and blow things out of proportion. In other words, I grew up worried.  It was just part of life.  Everything was a serious problem and a source of fear.  And nobody ever told me how to manage it.  It took for me to leave my country and my family behind in order to begin to take a look at myself and see I had a problem.  

Over the years, I've been able to realize that my anxiety derives from two main sources:

1. worries about the future: I tend to look ahead too much and see how little control I have over what might happen.  Even when I try to manipulate things and concoct remedies for situations I think will happen...I don't know if any of it will work the vicious cycle of anxiety is re-enforced.  The more I think about the future, the more I know that I don't know anything and the more I worry.  The scenarios in my head are all dark and horrible.  So I lose it.

2. Fear of being alone: linked to my worries about the future are my fears of being alone.  I watched the movie The Notebook recently... again...boy do I hate that movie.  It makes me so sad.  Thinking about the loneliness of an illness like Alzheimer's and the absolute lack of control over it terrifies me.  Losing my loved ones in a future so uncertain is unthinkable.  Not having anyone to walk with me through the rough road of life is just devastating.

These two states of mind are enough to bring anyone down effortlessly.  Worries and fears are the greatest enemies of peace.  Fortunately, The Lord offers us His promises of abundant life (John 10: 10) and of a new life (2 Corinthians 5: 17) and of peace beyond our understanding (Philippian 4: 6). He knows how the human mind operates and how it can lead us through pathways that we have no business going through.  that's why Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6: 34).  That's why He reminds us how He is with us forever (Matthew 28:20b).  Because He knows those are the key elements that tend to unravel us. 

The only way to know that fear doesn't win, is by staying close to Him in His Word.  Therefore, finding Christian counselors and professionals who can guide us in the management of our anxiety from the perspective of Scripture is key.  I firmly believe that no amount of treatment will ever be as effective if it is not founded on the Solid Rock. 

I pray we can all find the peace that surpasses all understanding and that we can enjoy the abundant life here on earth as we walk hand in hand with Jesus, the Healer of every brokenness and the Comforter of every hurt.  In The Precious Name of the One Whose Name is Power: Jesus the Christ.  Amen! 

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