Friday, March 31, 2023
May Peace Rule Over Our Hearts
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Seeing His Signs
I have been frustrated with my students lately...actually...I've been frustrated with my students for what is becoming a seriously long time now. I don't like feeling this way because it affects my teaching and my rapport with them. But...o is getting harder and harder to relate to them and to be patient. They live in a world that I just do not understand. Their struggles were not my struggles when I was their age. Their delights were not my delights either. I have a really hard time trying to figure out what they want. I have no clue how to engage them. I feel defeated most of the time...thinking that they either hate me or think so little of me that hating me would take too much effort...effort that they don't want to invest in me or in anything I have to say, so they just ignore me. If they feel anything is probably indifference.
I'm not the only educator around me who feels this way. I was talking to one of my colleagues today and I said, "boy, professors need to have like a support group so we can help each other figure out how to survive!"
Anyway, my point is, work is making my days pretty dull and rather miserable. Maybe I'm just too old to do this. I probably should retire soon. I don't want to feel this way, though. I don't want to just "survive" my days. I love my profession. I spent a lot of years going around in circles professionally until I found something I truly enjoyed. So I want to have a better attitude, but I need help. And I'm afraid the help I really need is not going to come from a professors' support group that is going to do nothing but feed my own grudges and frustrations with the kindle that they will add to the already hot fire burning in me.
What I need is perspective. What I need is the Holy Spirit's help.
Today's devotional said: "Signs of My Presence brighten even the dullest day when you have eyes that really see. Search for Me as for hidden treasure. I will be found by you." (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young).
The biblical reference is Jeremiah 29: 13-14a,
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Prowling around...looking for someone to devour
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
As a teacher, I guess I'm in the "knowledge business," right? I'm supposed to be imparting valuable knowledge and information to my students, which would be relevant to their success as future professionals. I often wonder, however, how valuable the knowledge I'm sharing with them really is if they don't know or learn how to apply it. Young learners have a hard time making connections between things. They don't stop long enough to reflect on how learning Spanish could be really beneficial to them in this country. They are in a hurry to get to where they want to go and if they feel they are told to do things that they don't perceive as important, they are quick to dismiss them. This is why for a few years now, rather than just going through the language lessons to help them become more proficient in Spanish, I have tried to incorporate exercises, situations and comments that are designed to show and demonstrate the relevance of what they are learning. I try to make the language lessons be applicable to potential, real life scenarios that they may encounter so knowledge of Spanish clicks as something key to help them fulfill their professional goals.
I believe that being able to find the application in things requires wisdom. Therefore, I hope by incorporating these notions into my lessons, I'm actually guiding my students through the road that leads to wisdom, which according to some dictionaries, could be defined as the ability to have the necessary insight to apply knowledge effectively.
We are supposed to seek and ask for wisdom. But, what is the Biblical definition of wisdom? In many verses we see it defined as "the fear of the Lord." (Job 28: 28, Psalm 111: 10, Proverbs 1: 7, Proverbs 9: 10, Micah 6: 9)
We believe that "fear" in these instances points to reverence and respect, more than fright. I mean, there is an element of "fright" in the concept of "fear" even in this sense. After all, we tend to respect and revere because we know the object of such devotion is powerful and worthy of being feared. The idea of fear also points to being more aware and conscious of what we do. It sharpens our senses and makes us be in full attention mode. I believe all those actions are required in wisdom. That might be why Revelation 13: 18 represents such a sobering warning: This calls for wisdom.
There is never such an urgent and grave comment, seeing "this calls for wisdom" in the midst of the book of Revelation while talking about encountering the second beast in all its evil presence is utterly profound and it makes my soul tremble. That is the moment when we are to be able to not just recall everything we know, but implement it so we are not overcome by the enemies who rise against us. That is the moment to fear, revere and respect Our Great and Almighty Lord who is the Only One who can defeat and does defeat all the beasts and dragons that may think they can get away with their evil-spreading actions. That is the moment to hang on to His Hand and don't be swayed by the enemy's schemes. Without wisdom...we succumb. But He won't let us, because He has been preparing us for this all along by teaching us and granting us wisdom.
I'm sure whatever path to wisdom I might or might not be able to open up for my students can't be compared with the holiness of the mission of wisdom we are supposed to take on, but I pray that the lessons I learn as I meditate on it help me be wise when the moment comes. In the Precious Name above All Names, and upon which every knee will bow. Amen!
Monday, March 27, 2023
Joy Around the Table
I'm not a social butterfly, but I truly enjoy gathering together with friends and family in fellowship over a meal. There's something about sitting around a table with the people you love...even those who sometimes irritate you. Once you are sharing a meal and enjoying time together things feel just right. There's something about it, after all the hectic preparations are over and all that is left is to sit and just's hard not to feel joy. It is part of human nature to find satisfaction being near those we love, especially if there's yummy food involved.
Jesus showed us His humanity in the many instances of fellowship around food and lively conversation that we see in the Gospels. From weddings, to dinner parties to Passover celebrations and everything in between, Jesus fully participated and took active roles in this very human ritual of hanging out.
The calling of Matthew is one of those instances. Let's hear it from Matthew himself:
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Jesus Wept
Dylan was telling me the other day how he was having a conversation with his special "friend" about how he has been known to cry at movies more than once. We laughed and began to recall all the movies we have cried at together. Some we have cried while watching them here at home, but we have cried rivers at the movie theaters too. The one that came to mind right away was I Can Only Imagine. Boy did we cry. It was so bad my shirt sleeves were completely wet at the end. We had no tissues so...I tell you, it was bad. I remember how Dylan said to me at the end of the movie that he was sobbing so loud that he was self conscious about the people next to him until he realized they were sobbing too.
I am a softy. My movie-crying experiences are not limited to dramatic/tragic stories either. I've cried at movies like Rogue 1, from the Star Wars series, and Avengers End Game... I mean, really! I cry every time I watch an episode of Little House on the Prairie. I cry at cartoon movies! Forget about dog movies...sigh...anyway, tears flow freely because like Dylan once told me: "we have too many emotions."
There's nothing like tears to demonstrate a person's humanity. In this era of technology, when we have Artificial Intelligence performing tasks that used to be reserved only to humans such as flying a plane, driving a car, carrying out all kinds of surgeries, writing a composition, poetry or even a novel, only humans are capable of producing emotional tears. That is why there are two words in Scripture that reveal Jesus' humanity like not many others can: "Jesus wept." (John 11: 35)
Those two words make one stop, don't they? They are as powerful as they are melancholic. Jesus, the Lord of Lord and King of Kings...the One to whom the winds and the waves obey...the Creator of all that there is...wept. I can't help it but to just pause and be in awe.
Jesus shares humanity with us in every aspect, except in sin. He walked on the dusty roads of Israel. His feet got dirty and tired. He sweated. He got hungry and thirsty. He enjoyed Himself. He suffered. He loved and continues to love and He wept. He knows what it is to cry. He knows the tightness we feel in our chest. He knows the knot that forms in our throats when crying is about to begin. He knows the head ache and heart ache. He knows what causes tears to roll down one's cheeks because He has felt all of that. He felt it over the pain of loved ones experiencing loss. He felt it over the hurt of knowing His Sacred city being lost. (Luke 19: 41) He felt it over His own sense of loneliness and terror during the agony at the Garden of Gethsemane. (Hebrews 5: 7) He experienced it all...just like we do as we journey through this valley of tears.
Well, I don't think Jesus cried at the movies like Dylan and I do...that's just silly to even begin to consider...but He did cry. He tasted the salty discharge that is a sure sign of being alive and made out of flesh and blood. And He did it all for us. Blessed Redeemer, how we love You. In Your Precious Name, Lord Jesus, for You were obedient to be fully human so you could experience it all with us, even death...even tears. Praise You and Thank You for Who You Are. Amen!
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Righteous Anger
The wind is blowing with scary fury outside. It's impossible not to notice. The weather app says to expect wind gusts up to 55 mph...yikes...not my favorite. The whistle-like noise of the wind filtering through the front door is a reminder we need to replace it soon. The noise of the gusts beating on the windows and rattling the downspouts makes me really nervous. All I can think of is how scary it must be to be in a tornado. It'd be like being hit by the whip of God.
While I'm trying to keep my mind occupied in this windy March evening, I started thinking again about Jesus' humanity and about how He experienced a wide range of human emotions. The fury of the wind brought me to moments in the Bible when Jesus expressed His righteous anger. Being about one week away from Holy Week, the passage of Jesus overturning the tables at the Temple popped into my mind.
The Humanity of Jesus
I have to admit that I don't think about Jesus, the man much. He is always in my mind as my Lord and Savior, but I don't stop to meditate on Him as a human being as much as I probably should. Not considering this very important truth about Jesus, though, causes me to miss out on His fullness and greatness. It is a blessing, then, that there are passages of Scripture that move us to see His humanity.
Today, I ran into this moment in Luke chapter 12 that did just that for me: it pointed out the man,
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Laugh Without Fear
I've been told, upon occasion, that I take myself way too seriously. Dan has been telling me that I need to learn to laugh at myself more. He says that's the key to staying humble and out of misery. I know he's right, but I struggle. I don't think...or at least I hope it is not so, that the reason I tend to not be able to laugh at myself is because I think I'm superior. I hope not. It's not that I believe I'm so important that I must not be messed with. I don't think that everything that happens to me is of such importance that life must stop until my troubles pass. I don't think that's it. I believe the reason I take everything so seriously and I tend to overreact is because I grew up in an environment where every tiny mishap was treated as a huge problem and as a great inconvenience.
It might have something to do with the fact that my parents were older and they were not planning to have another child coming along to disturb what they thought was their smooth sailing towards retirement. If I think about it, I was a big inconvenience for my parents. My Dad retired from the field of Education after 30 plus years of service when I was 5 years Mom when I was 8. To top it off, the same year my Mom retired from teaching, also after 30 some years of service, my Niece Nicole was born and she came to live with us while my brother (her Dad) finished college.
So, my parents basically had 2 young children still in the house after they were retired! And, of course, their pay was so miniscule, that money worries forced my Dad to take another job, which happened to be in a completely different field of which he knew nothing about...but necessity is the mother of many things, so he learned the trade and eventually became very successful at it. But there was a lot of stress in my household as my Dad worked full time in a new career so he could support his "growing family" in the autumn of his life.
At any rate, ever since I remember, we were always on edge. I had a good and happy childhood, no question...but there was an element of fear and stress and nervousness always there, which didn't make it conducive to developing the ability to take things lightly.
That's all I knew. So, when I met Dan and he started talking about laughing at myself more and taking things easy...I had no clue what he was talking about. So I'd react with the same and only response I knew: anger. I've been hanging out with Dan for almost 32 years now...and it has been a huge learning curve. I still do not claim to master this lifestyle of laughing at myself and at life itself...but I am trying. Maybe some day I will get it. Maybe it will become part of who I am for real. In the meantime, I will claim Proverbs 31: 25 as a verse to live by as I try to laugh at my present and future without worry and fear:
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
I Don't Know
There are so many things I don't understand about God's plan for me, my loved ones and the world. Let me rephrase that: there is very little I understand about God's plan for me, my loved ones and the world at large. There isn't much I understand at all. I guess, if we could know and comprehend everything about God with our limited minds...He wouldn't be much of a God after all, right? It is actually by design that some things-many things-are supposed to remain a mystery.
He has revealed much through His Word in Scripture. I believe He has revealed all that He thought was enough for us to know. But it would be foolish for us to think that there isn't more-much more-that He has decided is not the time yet to disclose. I believe we see a hint of this truth in Revelation 10: 4 when John heard a Voice from Heaven saying,
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Our Song
Pastor Dan has been unfolding a sermon series called "This is Your Song," which I believe has been a great blessing for all of us listening. I have to admit that thinking of God as my Lord, Savior, Father, Guide, Redeemer, even as my Friend does not take much of an effort. Attributes that emphasize God's Omnipotent Power and Might...Love...Light...Peace...Wisdom and all those are easy to assimilate. Thinking of God as "My Song," both challenging and fascinating!
Isaiah 12: 2 says:
Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. Think what it means to have Me as your Strength. I spoke the universe into existence; My power is absolutely unlimited! Human weakness, consecrated to Me, is like a magnet, drawing My Power into your neediness. However, fear can block the flow of My Strength into you. Instead of trying to fight your fears, concentrate on trusting Me. When you relate to Me in confident trust, there is no limit to how much I can strengthen you.
Remember that I am also your Song. I want you to share My Joy, living in conscious awareness of My Presence. Rejoice as we journey together toward heaven; join Me in singing My Song. (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)
Monday, March 20, 2023
Light Yoke
I love my job, but I'm exhausted. Even though we just had spring break and I was able to relax a bit, being back to work has worn me out. I think it's because I keep stressing out about two of my classes and also because I'm still doing some administrative job that I truly dislike...anyway...I'm just plain tired. It was great to have Pastor Dan give a sermon regarding being weary yesterday at church. His first point was just spot on for me: "Know that Jesus came to strengthen you when you are weary." What a great reminder.
Weary is defined in the dictionary as feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep. The lack of sleep really rings a bell in my life. I don't know why, but sometimes I just can't sleep. My mind keeps racing and my thoughts keep me up at night. I pray the Lord helps me sleep...but often the minutes become hours and before I know it, I have to get up. Of course, sometimes I do fall asleep, but it is shortly before the alarm rings. It feels like I just blinked and it's time to roll out of bed...and the vicious cycle of tiredness continues.
This is why it is such a wonderful thing to hear the good news that Jesus is the Great Help for the weary...for the exhausted...for the worn out...for the drained...for the depleted... for the dog tired...It is wonderful when you have someone bring back Matthew 11: 28-30:
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Happy Birthday, Dan!
It's funny how birthdays cease to be about us as we become parents, isn't it? Today is Dan's birthday and compared to when we were young, we didn't do anything "special" to celebrate...though by our current standards, I'd say, it was a pretty special day all in all.
We went to church, which is always special. Then, we had lunch with Grant and a couple of his friends from college. That phrase in itself is SUPER special: "Grant's friends." This boy spent his entire life before college pretty much on his own. He had very few friends and he never really did anything with them. He didn't go to their houses much. They never came to ours. Outside for marching band activities, he didn't really do or go anywhere. Ever since he went to Geneva College, however, he has been blessed with a group of friends that seem to really get him. He seems comfortable and more confident. He seems happy...and to see that is an amazing gift. I don't know about Dan, but I'd take that present over any other thing I could ever get for my birthday.
Later on, we went to Dylan's basketball banquet. This event closed this year's season, which by our standards was fantastic. The team did not win any championship or anything ever remotely like that, but it was the most exciting season for Dylan since he began playing the game in third grade. He got to play more than ever and he learned valuable lessons that I'm sure he'll carry with him through the rest of his life. Seeing him there sitting with the team, smiling and having fun was a true joy...another very special gift, more impressive than anything I could have bought, for sure.
We are wrapping up with night with a silly movie at home, a father-son video game soccer match, and the usual Sunday evening blues before another week of work starts, but praising God for the jobs we do have and for the moments of rejoicing we were able to experienced today to add to our memory boxes. Nothing special by the world's standards...but plenty special to us...and for that we Praise Our Lord, because we acknowledge that:
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Who Wants to Eat an Elephant?
Often, whenever I'm talking to anyone who is having a particularly rough time, I notice I tend to say things like, "try to take it just one day at a time." However, when I think about it, I don't know how well I follow my own advice. How about you? Do you find it difficult to live one day at a time? How hard it is to eat that elephant? Yeah...remember the elephant? I don't know who ever came up with that saying about, "how do you eat an elephant?" I mean, who'd want to eat an elephant in the first place? I always found that adage kind of gross, but the truth that it encompasses makes up for it, I think.
Dan and I were talking about this hard-to-live-by general rule and we both agreed (at least I think we did) that it is very difficult, indeed. We tend to want to project to the future, which usually causes a great deal of tension, added stress and unnecessary worries. The future is not ours. It was never meant to be. All we have is the now. I know we can't just throw caution to the wind and adopt a 100% YOLO lifestyle. But the opposite is not fitting either.
I believe the answer is trust. The One who promised is trustworthy, and He said:
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...Matthew 6: 25aCan any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6: 27 not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6: 34
Exert your will to trust Me in all circumstances. Don't let your need to understand distract you from My Presence. I will equip you to get through this day victoriously, as you live in deep dependence on Me. Tomorrow is busy worrying about itself; don't get tangled up in its worry-webs. Trust Me one day at a time. (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)
Friday, March 17, 2023
We Sing for Him!
What did you ever answer to the question, "what super power would you like to have?" I never knew how to answer that question. The only thing that always came to mind was: "I want to be able to sing really well!" Yeah...I know...that's not what the question meant. But I always daydreamed about singing. I thought it would be so totally rad to be the lead singer of a band or sing in a choir or be a backup singer...or just being able to sing in the shower and sound better than the pipes...sigh...
Anyway, I've been made aware of the fact that I am musically challenged, and I've made some sort of peace with it. But I still wish I could sing...sigh... It is particularly difficult at church, though, because I really, really love the songs we sing. I love both, contemporary and hymns, but I just can't follow. I can't find the right pitch. I'm monotone. I have no range. If I ever were to sing in a choir, I would most likely be placed to sing among the men. Therefore, singing is a bit problematic for me. Often I worship by just reading the lyrics. Hymns are especially troublesome. I'm surrounded by people who can sing I just quietly read. I refuse to subject anyone to my jarring and irritating, tuneless and pathetic attempts at singing.
Today, though, as I make my way through the Book of Revelations - talking about faulty attempts - I was reminded of something that filled me with joy: there will be singing in Heaven, lots of it! And it won't be just angels, important people, heavenly creatures and rock stars the only ones singing. I will get to sing too!
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Walking in Love
Kids are notorious for pushing boundaries and testing limits. It's what they do. And it sort of makes sense, I guess. They don't really know where the "line" truly is until they experiment with it. This is actually a learning process for them. Thus the incredible importance of setting those boundaries. Typically, kids that grow up without rules never learn and go through life thinking everything is permissible. And their lives become chaos for them and for society as a whole.
In many instances, today, our world is becoming more and more chaotic probably in part to the fact that less and less people are interested in following rules and keeping within the borders that have been drafted and traced for our own protection. Yes, we have freedom and we certainly want it, after all, "it is for freedom that Christ has set us free!" (Galatians 5: 1). In our freedom, however, we ought to recognize also what Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10: 23,
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Knocking on Doors
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Deciding to Forgive
"Forgiveness is not a feeling. It is a decision." This is what the minister in the mini-podcast that I listen to in the mornings said today. I don't know about you, but the idea was very thought-provoking to me.
I try not to struggle with forgiveness. I try to give it most instances...but there are a few cases in which...well...I wrestle with it quite a bit. I'd rather not go into details, but there's been times when I have decided to forgive the same person more than once. It's like I forgive, but something happens, and I find myself picking up the hurt again, which makes the grudge tighten in my throat until I realize I'm choking because I'm rescinding my forgiveness...then I remember how Jesus Himself told us...forgive and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6: 36). Sigh...and after a deep breath, I decide to forgive again.
I don't know for sure, but that might have been what Jesus meant when He had this exchange with Peter:
Monday, March 13, 2023
Running the Race
Lately, I've been trying to use my treadmill less like a thing to store junk and more like what it was originally designed for...but boy, am I out of shape!? I have been trying to walk...but everything hurts, so I had to take a break for a few days, LOL. I tell you, if I ever had to run for my life, just kill me know, because I'm not going to make it 😂.
My feeble attempts at getting in some sort of fitness related shape came back to mind this morning when I was reading a short devotional that used the last part of Hebrews 12: 1 as its inspiration,
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Do you ever "know" things, but you need to be reminded?
We were playing a trivia game the other night called "I Should Have Known That." Men, is that an appropriate name for that game... There were things that I knew, I knew...but then...I couldn't remember enough to produce an answer that was satisfactory. As soon as I'd hear the correct answer, I'd be like, "I knew that!!!" But of course, it didn't count that I remembered it after the fact. It's soooo frustrating!
I was reading through the book of Jude in the New Testament. I don't think I've ever actually read it through and through. I don't really have an excuse for never reading it. This short little letter can be read in a couple of minutes...but for some reason, that's one of those books in the Bible that are easily skipped. At least for me. At any rate, I read it this morning, and WOW! It is packed full with important admonitions and information...but for some reason, there was this one half a verse that really spoke to me:
Saturday, March 11, 2023
The Power of Music
Research indicates that music does have great powers. It is increasingly used to promote healing and to reduce stress. At SRU we have a Music Therapy program that is booming. The program claims that it provides the skills necessary so future graduates would become professionals who could offer therapeutic support to people of all ages with a wide range of physical, intellectual, emotional, behavioral, developmental, sensory and social needs. Like one devotional reading I read this morning commented, God knew about that all along. He designed it this way.
Back in the Old Testament, we see young David playing the lyre for King Saul when he was tormented by demons, resulting on Saul feeling refreshed and at peace, and the evil spirits fleeing from him. (1 Samuel 16: 23) In the New Testament, Paul tells us to be careful how we live our lives. He said to not be foolish, avoid debauchery and to speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5: 15-20)
Music can be a formidable force for good when composed for the Lord. It can move us and renew us as part of worship. It can transport us to a place of praise and peace. Have you ever sang a song at church that touches you so deeply that you can't stop the tears from freely flowing from your eyes? The Spirit within us rejoices and stirs inside manifesting Himself in ways beyond our comprehension. It cleanses us, clears the clutter in our mind and hushes the usual, daily noises that keep us from hearing the One True, Holy Ghost speak directly to us. Like with Saul, music was the instrument God used to chase the evil spirit away, so the Spirit of Peace could take hold and release his tortured soul.
The same way, I believe, music can incite to violence and darkness too. Therefore, we should pay attention to the music we let into our brain. "Be careful little ears what you hear..." we tell our kids...well...there's a lot of wisdom in that song. Like everything else, music's power can be used for the wrong purposes. Music created as an offering to the Lord should be the priority in our play lists. I know it is difficult to exclusively listen to Christian music all the time. But at least we should strive to enjoy a big dose of it on a regular basis. We should share it with others when we hear one that makes us think of someone who would benefit from listening to it. We should have our go-to-songs for all occasions. I know I don't always take notice of my own advice...but ever since I discovered Christian music not quite 20 years ago, I can testify it did change my life. And I pray it changes yours as well.
May the Lord Who Sings Over Us, teach us the way to keeping music as a part of our worship and praise. In His Precious Name I pray. Amen!
Friday, March 10, 2023
Encourage One Another
I always give up too soon. I lose confidence too quickly. I just throw my arms out and quit. Like this evening, we were playing a board game. We got it as a gift from good friends for Christmas and had been waiting until the 4 of us were home to play it. It was actually fun and educational at the same time. It was kind of a trivia game so it tested our knowledge of ... everything!
Every time it was my turn to answer a question, though, my first reaction before I even had a chance to really listen to the question, was to say stuff like: "there's no way I know this." Most of the time, however, thanks to Dan's encouragement, after thinking about it for a moment, I could actually figure out many of them. If I hadn't had anyone encouraging me to pause and concentrate, I would have ended up with no points on the board. Left on my own, I'd just do what I always do: quit.
I wonder if that's one of the things Paul had in mind when he wrote 1 Thessalonians 5: 11,
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
I tell you, without the help of those along my way, it would be very difficult for someone like me to do life. Sometimes I wonder, though, if I ever make a difference in anyone's life the way my encouragers do in mine? Am I allowing my life to be of any benefit to others at all? My own kids complain about me all the time: "you're too harsh! You have no patience! You expect too much!" Those phrases don't sound like thank you notes to me. Am I forgetting this command to encourage and build one another up?Thursday, March 9, 2023
Wear Your Crown Well
March 8 is supposed to be International Women's Day. I don't even want to get into this because it is all so very political...but my sister sent me a video that truly gave me perspective and made me glad to be a woman. The video is in Spanish, but the gist was this: Jesus is the real Champion of women.
The video relates a sample of the instances in the Gospels when Jesus showed the value of women as precious jewels of creation. From allowing Himself to be humbled to the condition of a baby born of a choosing women to be the first witnesses of His glorious resurrection, Jesus exalted women to a position of high regard where it had never been.
Jesus and His actions toward women showed the world the worth of women regardless of what society may have decided. He sought them out of their sin. He saved them from being stoned to death by making her accusers realized we are all equal opportunity sinners. He healed them spiritually and physically. He let women come to Him and touch the hem of His tunic or wash Him with their tears. He listen. He comforted. He addressed their concerns. He walked with them. He never dismissed them. He always gave them of Himself and covered them with compassion and mercy as He enlighten them with His wisdom and knowledge. He literally went out of His way to meet them. Nobody took them seriously, but He called them by their name. He made women a bridge upon which He'd cross to humanity and to the lost. What an amazing inheritance of love.
What a blessing to be counted among the women. What a blessing to be the spiritual heiress of the women who went before me. What a blessing to be a bearer of Jesus' design for womanhood. This is the real revolution. We were born to be His princesses. I'm proud to be one of them. May we all wear our crowns well.
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Love Doesn't Go Away
I was watching an episode of Little House on the Prairie...I know, I know...with all the trash that's on the media today, this is about the only show we can watch anymore! At any rate, the episode was about the family losing their dog. Having gone through that recently, the episode stirred tender emotions in me. I got sad all over again about losing our Link...I just can't believe he is gone...sigh...I identified with the character of Laura Ingalls because she was so heart broken about losing their dog, that she just didn't want to even consider the possibility of having another dog again. The loss was too hard to bear. I'm right there. I think I even said that, "I never, ever want to have another dog, ever! I don't want to have to go through this again."
But then, another character told Laura to remember that, though she understood the reluctance to open her heart to another dog for fear of experiencing loss in such an intense way again, it was important to remember that "the hurt goes away, but the love doesn't."
That phrase stayed with me. I don't think I ever thought of this before. It is so true, I think of all my loved ones that I've lost over the years. I think of my Mom, gone almost 23 years ago...the pain of losing her cut me so deeply, I thought I've never get over it. I think of losing a pregnancy. I was so devastated, I thought I'd never laugh again. My Dad. My Father in Law. My Step Father in Law. Dear aunts. Even some friends. Link. The intensity of the pain that accompanies loss is deep, indeed. But eventually, the pain does become less acute. The intensity of the love, however, never gets dull. We continue to love them no matter how long they've been gone...always...the love never changes. Love never fails. It's true! I love the Amplified version of 1 Corinthians 13: 8a
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Feeling Superior?
I have such a hard time remembering names anymore. I hate to admit it, but after more than half of the semester gone, I still only know the names of maybe 30% of my students. Back in the day, during my first years as a teacher, I was able to know all my students by name after the first 2 weeks of low I´ve fallen...
This is why I could never be a name-dropper, LOL! I can't remember any names to drop! :)
At any rate, I'm not sure why I'm thinking about this, but maybe it is because I was listening to my usual morning podcast and the minister was talking about how ridiculous it is for us to think that we are so important. Our inflated ego often betrays us and makes us belief that we can just say something like: "don't you know who I am?" And that at the mere sight of our presence, the waters would part, and mountains would move so we can get through. The minister challenged us to imagine Jesus doing that: "Don't you know who you're talking to? I'm the Son of God! The Second Person of the Trinity...shoo, shoo..."
It was kind of hilarious to even consider that. But it was also a slap on the face. I might not drop names, but I have occasionally pulled rank. There's moments when humility escapes me, and to get things done...or to feel a sense of preponderance of sorts, I've used a version of "don't you know who I am?"...and that is totally shameful.
Jesus, the Word, the very One to Whom the Winds and the Waves Obey...Our Lord and Our God...did not do any of this. Instead, He,
Monday, March 6, 2023
Our Mighty Fortress
"Mom, when are you going to put that stuff away? You've been working on it all weekend!" Dylan said to me on Sunday night, pointing at a mess I had on our coffee table...sigh...
The thing is that I actually spent the entire weekend stressed out looking for fun ways to teach a poem to my classes today. The reason I was stressed out about it was because students in these classes despise anything to do with literature. They are absolutely NOT interested...especially in poetry...They don't get it. They think is boring. They don't see the point of it. They don't want to have anything to do with it. They can't relate. So, I was tempted to skip the poem and move on to a film. But I said, no...I am going to teach them the poem. But that resolve cost me hours upon hours working on a strategy that would not put them to sleep.
After thinking about it from many different angles, I came up with my intro line: songs are poems we sing. And poems...and songs...always tell us a story. Sometimes we don't fully understand the story we've been told in a poem, but there's always one.
From there, I proceeded to read the poem, which contained several words that I knew they would not understand...but that was part of the learning experience.
Yesterday at church we sang one of my favorite hymns: "A Mighty Fortress is Our God." I don't know what it is about that song, but it speaks to me. Not unlike the poem I was teaching in class today, this hymn contains many words I don't understand. I don't even know how to pronounce many of them. But, I can't help it to be inspired and moved by it. Regardless of my shortcomings with the language... there is something about it that makes me want to take a deep breath and go fetch my armor of God. It's a battle cry. It's a call to arms. It's a reminder of Who He Is and why He is deserving of all of our worship.
The hymn tells us the story of God's mighty power, and of His strength. It tells us the story of how the enemy tries to devour us, but his efforts are futile, for "one little word shall fail him." And even if the body is killed, it doesn't matter, not one bit, because, "God’s truth abideth still/His kingdom is forever."
The lesson today flowed in unexpected ways in my classes. Not all got it. Not everyone showed intense interest. I doubt it that I made my students suddenly love poetry. But the story was told. I didn't skip it. I believe that by making them do this exercise, they experienced the power of words...the power of rhythm...the power of beat...and for that, I believe they are better off. Just like I'm better off having been exposed to The Mighty Fortress that is Our God ... "a bulwark never failing."
Sunday, March 5, 2023
"Isn't it amazing that the waves never stop? They just keep going and going and going forever!" I remember, many years ago, on our first trip to the beach as a family, my Mother in Law said this to me as we were launching in our beach chairs just chilling. I didn't think anything of it back then. I was just so thrilled to be there, her comment didn't really impacted me...though...the fact that I remember it, going on 9 years later, might indicate something different...
Today, we read Isaiah 57: 20 at the first Lenten study of the season, and her words came back to me as she was sitting next to me at church again.
Saturday, March 4, 2023
God's Timing
Friday, March 3, 2023
The Voice of Truth
I remember, when I was a teenager, the absolutely most totally rad thing ever was a device called "The Walkman." I mean...there was nothing better than that least in my book. Of course, I didn't have money for an original "Walkman" so I had to make due with a generic brand. At a small fraction of the cost of the slick, Sony-no-baloney, my player did the work. I loved that gadget. I'd slide a cassette in, put those spongy, orange headphones over my ears, hit play...and it was as if the world would disappear. It was pure bliss.
I did not walk around with my headphones on, though. My parents would not have allowed it. I could only use it in my room, after I was done with my school work...but boy, were those moments of uninterrupted music enjoyment the BEST!
I guess I forget about those days when I too, used to shut the world out with my headphones...sigh. Nowadays, I complain about the youth permanently wearing their earbuds, like unseemly appendixes sticking out of their earlobes...I complain about how they come to class with those things inside their ears, and how, if I'm lucky, they might take one off to half hear whatever lesson I've spent endless hours preparing. I complain about how they walk around like zombies, completely disconnected from the world around them, listening to who knows what, being played straight to their brains...and I forget I might have done the same thing to a degree back in the day...
There are so many voices in our heads, it is hard to hear when the truth calls. We can't recognize it in the noise. We all walk around mindlessly. Lost.
I am guilty too. I might not put on headphones at night to dive into my musical, parallel universe anymore. But I surely spend countless hours listening to voices that feed my insecurities and my doubts. I hear the drum, drum, drum of my negativity. I block the words of my loved ones trying to speak the truth to me, and only hear the rattle and hum of lies. The orange headsets are long gone, but I'm still disconnected from my source of life...
God's love does not yell. He whispers. He doesn't generally use a megaphone. He speaks as soft as the gentle breeze of a summer eve...and yes, it could be easily missed.
I pray this season of Lent allows us a chance to tune in to the voice of Truth. I pray for the youth of today, but also for the youth of yesteryears, because we all need to hear the lessons the Lord has prepared for us so tenderly...we all need to reverse our course, block everything else, and just hear His voice, calling out our names. May Jesus' voice prevail. Amen!
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Our Father
I know...I know very well, how the word "Father" is not a term that has a good and positive connotation for many, many people. The sad reality is that, regardless of the area of the world where we might be at, many children grow up either without a Dad or with one who causes tremendous damage. And that is a consequence of the fallen condition of our world...of our really doesn't have anything to do with the actual concept of fatherhood. Being a Father is one of the greatest honors, privileges and gifts God has bestowed upon men. Parenthood in general, is one of those "jobs" that really, really, teaches the person a lot about the heart of God. It is a position of the highest responsibility, but it is a true, incomparable blessing too.
When Jesus says that we ought to call God, Father...Our is a most wonderful and profound matter how horrible our experience with our earthly Father might have been, being able to call God, Our Father is a great comfort in this hard life.
With the first two words of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus opens the door of His family to us, saying, He is your Father too. He is Our Father. You too are a child of God too. You will learn, and experience, and taste, and enjoy, and know the wonders of having a perfect Father now. You belong. You are wanted. You are loved.
I had a good earthly Father, but he was far from perfect. There are things he did that marked me in not a very positive way. But I know he loved me and he wanted the best for me. I have no doubt my Dad did all he could to help me. His efforts fell short often, but not intentionally. I loved him dearly and still do. The very thought of him brings tears to my eyes because I miss him so much, and I would give anything to still have him near. How much more I should be assured of God's love, that is greater, much greater than my earthly Father's imperfect love, which he could only have, because God first loved him. How much greater is God's love...for God is Love...pure and perfect Love.
That's why the privilege is also be able to call God, the God of All Power and Love, Father...Our Father. I pray we can have the clarity of the Holy Spirit to assimilate this mystery, in which we, lowly, stubborn, selfish, unfaithful, self-centered creatures, get to call the God of All Creation, Our Father. Thank you for the blessing, Lord...Thank You for showing us this truth, Jesus. Amen!
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Signs and Wonders
For years now, I have been praying that the Lord will give the world special and even supernatural evidence of His presence so people would come to Him and believe. This morning, I was, yet again, convicted by a minister I listen to daily who challenged me to question my desire for "signs." He asked why do we spend so much time and energy looking for these "signs" when the most important and greatest of signs we have already received in Jesus and His love and forgiveness.
Jesus knew this about the nature of humans...John 4: 48 recorded Jesus' words lamenting that,